Brisa N. Sánchez, PhD

Dornsife Endowed Professor of Biostatistics and Associate Dean for Research, Dornsife School of Public Health

Dr. Sánchez’ research interests are the development and innovative application of statistical methodology to the study of environmental determinants of health, and health disparities, including latent variable models, structural equation models and study design.

Her current research focuses on methods to examine health impacts of neighborhood-level exposures (social and built environment) and their interactions with individual-level factors/exposures through her R01 HL131610 project (PI: Sánchez) "Characterizing health impacts of built environment features using complex data." The goals of that project are to enable data-driven estimation of time and spatial scales at which environment shapes health outcomes, and to characterize exposures to multiple environmental features and their simultaneous impact on health.

She co-leads R01-HL136718 "Population-level interventions and community environment effects on child obesity disparities" (MPIs: Sanchez-Vaznaugh/Sánchez), which aims to evaluate how food nutrition policies for schools impact child obesity disparities, and how food environment near schools modifies the policies’ effects. This project utilizes over 17 million child-level observations collected over more than 15 years. She also co-leads the Drexel-INCAP training program on social determinants of cardiovascular disease over the life course (MPIs Sanchez/Diez-Roux).