Presentations and Awards

P3 Awards

Two Drexel Smart House projects have went on to win $75,000 grants from the Environmental Protection Agency through the P3 program. Both the Cool Roof Coatings and Lightweight Green Roof projects have won this money to be used for further development and marketing for their projects.

Nova Award

In 2011, Drexel Smart House was selected by the World Green Energy Symposium (WGES) to receive the 2011 NOVA Award during the third annual symposium at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

The organization was nominated in the Educational Case Study Category for its student-led, multidisciplinary appoach to developing a sustainable model for urban residential living and entrepreneurial innovation.


Drexel Smart House has inspired two spin-off companies out of its entrepreneurial program, stemming from original projects within the organization. The first, Summalux LLC, is a company focused on indoor lighting solutions that increase workplace productivity and health.


Drexel Smart House has facilitated two student-created patents.