Core Values

A light bulb atop a Drexel Smart House-style stem. 'Energy' core value logoEnergy

Create More Than You Use: Drexel Smart House aims to create a better standard for energy utilization. The two main ways to achieve this are creating more and using less. Using new, cleaner technologies, the ultimate goal is to achieve a Net-Zero Building where all the energy used by the house is created on-site.

A decorative globe shape atop a Drexel Smart House-style stem. The 'Environment' core value logo.Environment

Respecting the Planet: Smart House intends to reduce or eliminate it’s carbon footprint by adhering to sustainable and innovative principles such as maximizing the amount of reclaimed and compostable materials within the home and preserving the natural world.

A decorative hand shape atop a Drexel Smart House-style stem, touching a button. The 'Interaction' core value logo.Interaction

Making technology accessible: Smart House will be addressing the way in which people interact with technology by improving existing and creating new methods of HCI and other technologies. Additionally, technologies can be networked to create an intelligent and aware living environment through the use of network sensors, actuators, and social interface systems.

A decorative heart shape atop a Drexel Smart House-style stem. The 'Health' core value logo.Health

Maintain a state of well-being: Smart House will use non-invasive monitoring technologies and health conscious design to ensure the well-being of its occupants.

A decorative stick figure shape atop a Drexel Smart House-style stem.Lifestyle

Improving the Quality of Daily Life: A catch all as from each of the core values combined, Smart House will comprehensively provide a healthier, more efficient living and working environment through functional design.