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Therapy Dogs





Drexel currently has three therapy dogs on campus, Espresso, Java, and Mocha Latte, who is in training.  At Drexel we understand the transition to college can be difficult for some students, as they are leaving what they know as home, friends and family often for the first time. The therapy dogs are on campus 20 plus hours a week to help students feel like this is their home away from home, complete with the family dogs. The dogs are here to pet and spend time with because college can be stressful, not just during midterms and finals but throughout the year. We also want you to get involved in campus activities so you will often find the dogs at events on campus. Since we visit University City Campus and some of the satellite schools you can find where to meet Espresso, Java, and Mocha Latte on the following social media pages:

Facebook: Drexel’s Therapy Dogs

Instagram: drexels_therapy_dogs

Twitter: Drexelsdogs

Snapchat: drexelsdogs

TikTok: @drexeltherapydogs

BeReal: Drexels_therapy_dogs

For event requests, please contact Janine Erato at

Give back to the therapy dogs by making a donation to the program here