Production Scholarships


About the Production Scholarship

There are two components to a Theatre Production scholarship. One component is being enrolled in a Production Practicum class each term.  This serves as scene shop hours or production hours working on whichever show is currently in production.  Classes build scenery, hang lights and speakers, make props, paint, and complete other production projects to keep the show on schedule.  The other component is an assigned show each term.  This might be something on the crew of the show such as: board op, run crew, or wardrobe, or it may be a department head, like Master Electrician, Audio Supervisor, or Assistant Props and Paint.   


The scholarships are not compensation for work, but rather a token amount of money to encourage involvement with an enriching educational program.  We are looking for people who love theatre production and want to be involved. 

Applicants should email a theatre production resume as well as some visual representation of your work. Examples include: pictures of scenery or props you have built, scenic construction drawings, costume renderings, pictures of lighting design work, a prompt book for productions you have stage managed, or anything that you feel is applicable to showcasing your craft. To be considered for an interview, all materials must be submitted no later than 5pm on Friday, March 28, 2025.


Virtual interviews via Zoom will be scheduled by appointment.


To schedule an interview, please contact Paul Jerue at

Requirements for Scholarship Participation:

Students must be registered for the appropriate THTR course section as advised by the production manager. Courses include:

THTR 130, 132, 133, 240, 241

To learn more about these courses, please refer to our course descriptions.

For more information about the production scholarships, contact Paul Jerue, Technical Director and Production