Maxwell Gallagher

Max Gallagher

May 1, 2019

Max Gallagher is a current freshman studying Screenwriting and Playwriting at Drexel University. He made his Drexel debut in She Kills Monsters, as “Steve," the Great Mage. Since then, a great deal strangers have stopped Max in the streets to tell him that they loved watching him die, addressing him as Steve, and sometimes introducing him to their friends as Steve, the Great Mage. Max is still not completely sure what a mage is, but he’s made some friends along the way who would be more than happy to inform him. He is currently in Drexel’s MainStage production of Be More Chill, as "Jeremy Heere," a misfit teen with big dreams. Hey! That almost rhymed! Max has been performing theatrically since elementary school, whether it be singing a song, cabaret-style for his class before recess, or performing floor routines for his gymnastics team, or playing "Wino #2" in Little Shop of Horrors (which really was the peak of his acting career). When it comes right down to it, Max just really loves to share stories and ideas with others in and out of a performative context. Max has the following words to share with the world: “I do theatre to learn.” Participating in theatre has given Max an excellent and thrilling vehicle with which he can learn about people of all different backgrounds and contexts, by interacting with other actors backstage or in scenes, as himself or as anyone else in the imaginable world. Imagination. Play! Theatre is fun! Some people forget that art can be fun. Max thinks it is imperative that more people learn that art and play are important practices for adults as well as children. Ultimately, life should be fun. What’s the point of being alive if we’re not enjoying it? There might be some valid answers to this question, but Max means to encourage everyone to have more fun in posing the question. It’s rhetorical. But, anyway, back to fun. This is also why Max does theatre! It is so incredibly fun and rewarding to play pretend and to tell stories and to make people feel. In the future, Max would like to write stories that make people feel, and he would like to continue learning about storytelling and about people and about art.