Liv Shoup

Liv Shoup

February 1, 2019

Liv Shoup is a junior screenwriting and playwriting major at Drexel. She plays Agnes Evans in the upcoming Co-op Theatre Company production of She Kills Monsters. While Liv hasn't acted in a Co-op Theatre Company production since Avenue Q in the spring of 2017, she has spent the last year backstage writing and directing and is thrilled to be returning to the stage in this kick-ass show with so many of her great pals!

 "I have never been a part of such a physical and active show; It's been a life-changer. Once you've held a sword, I don't know how you go back to, well, not holding a sword. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will probably make an audible noise of shock at the realistic violence; it's going to be great."