
Mediterranean Ensemble

Mediterranean Ensemble

The Drexel University Mediterranean Ensemble is open to any student with an interest in performing music from Southern Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. No previous experience in this music is necessary. All instruments are welcomed. Percussionists can play on Drexel's wide assortment of traditional drums.

The Drexel Mediterranean Ensemble has performed with many guest artists including Maurice Chedid (Lebanon), Adeeb Rafeela (Egypt), Baris Kaya (Turkey), and Udi bar David (Israel). It is also the first ensemble to introduce 3D printed musical equipment.

Listen to Mediterranean Ensemble's Spring 2021 set on Soundcloud!

Mediterranean Ensemble Spring 2021 Program

For more information please contact, Bruce Kaminsky, Mediterranean Ensemble director, bk46@drexel.edu.

Rehearsal Schedule

  • When: Wednesday, 3–4:50 p.m.
  • Where: MacAlister Hall, Room 2032