Announcing Drexel's 2022 Truman Scholarship Nominee

February 16, 2022

Congratulations to Drexel's nominee for the 2022 Truman Scholarship!

The Truman Scholarship recognizes undergraduate juniors committed to careers in service of the public interest, by providing them with mentorship, professional development through a summer internship program, and funding for graduate school. This student was selected to represent Drexel University in the national Truman Scholarship competition. We wish her the best of luck!

Julia Langmuir (BA Global Studies/MPH Epidemiology '24, Honors) is currently on the BA/MPH accelerated track pursuing her bachelor's degree in Global Studies with a concentration in Global Health and Sustainability and a minor in French. She is interested in the fields of social epidemiology, sustainable development, and maternal and child health. As an intern at HIAS Pennsylvania in the Immigrant Wellness Program, Julia has been able to explore the intersection of policy advocacy and primary healthcare. She hopes to expand on this interest in the future as a primary care physician and continue engagement in advocacy to improve healthcare access.

Special thanks to the members of Drexel’s 2022 Truman Campus Committee, who worked with Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs to review applications, conduct interviews, and advise our nominee on her application:

Dr. Travis Curtice, Assistant Professor of Politics
Dr. Jordan Hyatt, Director, Center for Public Policy; Associate Professor of Criminology and Justice Studies
Dr. Deanna Hill, Program Director, EdD in Leadership and Management; Associate Clinical Professor of Education

The Truman Scholarship is a highly prestigious national program that supports the graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to careers in public service, including education and non-profit sectors. Since its creation in 1975, the Foundation has supported almost 3,000 Truman Scholars who are making a difference in all corners of the nation and around the globe.

For more information, visit the Truman Foundation website or contact UREP at