Two Drexel students spent their summers conducting research in Germany through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Internships for Science & Engineering (RISE) Program.
Michael Marino is a BS/MS student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department with a focus in signal processing and bioinformatics. His primary interests involve applications in biology, agriculture and medicine. He has previously worked in Germany at the University of Applied Science in Osnabrück doing research with sensor systems for applications in agricultural phenotyping. As a reseacher under the DAAD RISE program, Michael worked at the Biophysics lab in the Universität Osnabrück studying the regulative role of endocytosis on the signalling of the type II Interleukin-4 receptor using three-dimensional SMLM.
Sergey Smolin is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department. He acquired his BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Virginia and started at Drexel in 2012. Working closely with his advisor, Professor Jason Baxter, Sergey studies Perovskite Oxide thin films for their solar energy related potential by utilizing ultrafast spectroscopy. The materials are grown by Prof. Steven May in the Materials Science Department. Sergey hopes that his research will help unlock the potential of perovskite oxides for alternative energy applications. Sergey conducted his research internship with Prof. Marcus Baer, studying interfacial properties in Perovskite Oxide thin films with x-ray techniques including synchrotron-based techniques. The research explores the effect of interfacial properties on photovoltaic performance. Sergey would like to thank his advisor, Prof. Jason Baxter, for his guidance and support.
The DAAD RISE and DAAD RISE Pro programs offer 2-6 month research internships in science and engineering at German universities, research institutions, and companies in Germany. The working language is English. For more information visit the program websites (DAAD RISE and DAAD RISE Pro) or email!
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Two Drexel University students honored with scholarships by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
NEW YORK CITY, October 27 – The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD), the largest funding organization in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars, has announced the recipients of several scholarships and grants for the academic year 2015/16.
Congratulations to the following Drexel University students:
Michael Marino was accepted into the Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) program.
Sergey Smolin was accepted into the RISE professional program.
DAAD programs help create goodwill and professional relationships that will build a solid basis for relations between Germany and North America. DAAD scholarships are highly competitive and recipients are selected by independent selection committees on the basis of outstanding academic records and convincing project proposals or statements of purpose.
DAAD is the German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation. DAAD offers programs and funding for students, faculty, researchers and others in higher education providing financial support to over 112,500 individuals per year. DAAD also represents the German higher education system abroad, promoting Germany as an academic and research destination and establishes ties among institutions around the world.
DAAD New York, which is one of 15 international branch offices, was founded in 1971 to support academic exchange between the U.S., Canada and Germany. DAAD New York maintains three major missions: to act as a bridge between U.S., Canadian and German universities, higher education professionals and students by providing information and assistance; to administer fellowships and other programs for students and scholars in the U.S. and Canada; and to contribute to Germany’s public diplomacy by promoting Germany’s academic, scientific, and cultural achievements in the U.S. and Canada.
Interview Contact: Nina Lemmens
Director, DAAD New York
212-758-3223 x212