Introduction to the Goldwater Scholarship: Info Sessions & Nomination

September 30, 2014

This award has a pre-application campus deadline of October 21st.

Interested in pursuing an advanced degree and research career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math? The Goldwater Scholarship is a highly prestigious national award that recognizes the nation’s top STEM undergraduates. Awardees receive funds for undergraduate tuition, fees, books, and room and board, up to a maximum of $7,500 annually. Depending on their time remaining to graduation, the scholarship may be renewed for a second academic year.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be a US citizen
  • be enrolled full-time with a STEM major
  • have minimum 3.0 GPA (usually higher - see below)
  • plan to graduate in 2016 or 2017
  • be nominated by your home institution (see details below)

The Goldwater Scholarship was created to encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers and foster excellence in STEM fields. Students who receive the Goldwater typically have high GPAs (usually above 3.8), strong research experience, a record of publishing and/or presenting their research at conferences, and plans to pursue advanced degrees, usually the PhD. Note that students who plan to study medicine are eligible for a Goldwater Scholarship only if they plan a research career rather than a career as a practicing physician. See Drexel students who have received the Goldwater.

Visit the Goldwater Scholarship website for more info.

The Nomination Process

Drexel may nominate just four students for the Goldwater Scholarship. If you want to apply for nomination, please review carefully the following steps:

  1. Attend an info session (below) and download the Goldwater pre-application form
  2. Submit the pre-application to us by Tuesday, October 21st at noon via email.
  3. Drexel’s Goldwater Nominating Committee, composed of STEM faculty and a DFO rep, will invite a select subset of highly-qualified students to apply for institutional nomination.  This application will be due Tuesday, November 18th.
  4. Our Nominating Committee will announce Drexel’s four nominees by December 1st.
  5. Nominees submit completed applications by January 7th and meet with the Nominating Committee in mid-January for feedback.
  6.  The national deadline is January 30th, 5PM CST.

Info Sessions 

*Please RSVP by emailing


Thursday, September 25, 12-1 PM
PISB 103 (33rd and Chestnut)

Wednesday, September 24, 1-2 PM *NEW*
Disque 109 (32nd and Chestnut)

Wednesday, October 1, 6-7 PM
Webinar (follow link to join)

Tuesday, October 7, 8-9 AM
Bossone 302 (Market and 31st)

Thursday, October 16, 3-4 PM
Disque 109 (32nd and Chestnut)