Opportunities for Students Who Want to Make a Difference: Truman, Udall, Carnegie, and more!

October 10, 2014

Are you an exceptional student dedicated to changing the world? Interested in a career in public service or government? Committed to working on environmental science or policy? Want to work for an international affairs think tank after graduation? Come learn more about nationally competitive scholarships for students who want to make a difference.

The Fellowships Office will be offering a series of events and resources to Drexel students interested in public affairs.

  • Public Affairs Awards Info Sessions
  • Truman Scholarship Info Sessions & Nomination
  • Udall Scholarship Info Sessions & Nomination
  • Carnegie Junior Fellows Nomination

We look forward to seeing you! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

All events are open to Drexel students and alumni only.

Public Affairs Info Sessions

These info sessions provide an overview of several public affairs-related awards.

October 14, 3-4PM
109 Disque Hall

October 30, 12-1PM
109 Disque Hall

Featured programs include:

  • Truman Scholarship
    For outstanding juniors who are U.S. citizens and planning to study in any field that leads to a career in public service or government. Up to $30,000 educational support, plus mentorship, leadership training, and membership in a powerful network of Truman Scholars. More info and how to apply.
  • Carnegie Junior Fellows
    For seniors eligible to work in the U.S. post-graduation and interested in the field of international affairs. Each year the Endowment offers 8-10 one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. Carnegie Junior Fellows works as research assistants to the Endowment senior associates. More info and how to apply.
  • Udall Scholarship
    For sophomores and pre/juniors who are U.S. citizens and are planning future careers in any field related to the environment. The award is also open to Native American and Alaska Native students committed to a career related to tribal public policy or health care. More info and how to apply.

Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to come to these information sessions: the more time you have to think about and prepare for these prestigious scholarships, the better your application will be!

Truman Scholarship Info Sessions

**This award has an internal application deadline of November 6, 2014.**

The Truman Scholarship is a highly prestigious national award that recognizes the nation's top undergraduates committed to careers in public service. Truman Scholars receive up to $30,000 to pursue a degree in public service-related fields. Scholars also gain opportunities for summer internships, receive career and professional development, and join a powerful network of Truman Scholar alumni.

Learn more at one of our Truman Info Sessions:

October 3, 12noon
Disque 109

October 8, 7pm
Webinar (click to join on day of event)

For more information on the Truman Scholarship, including how to apply, go to: Introduction to the Truman Scholarship.

Udall Scholarship Info Sessions

**This award has an internal application deadline of January 15, 2015**

The Udall Scholarship is open to college sophomores and pre-/juniors who have demonstrated commitment to careers in any field related to the environment. The award is also open to Native American and Alaska Native students committed to a career related to tribal public policy or health care. The award offers up to $5,000 plus extensive networking opportunities.

Learn more at one of our Udall Info Sessions:

Friday, Nov 7, 12-1PM
109 Disque Hall

Thursday, Nov 13, 3-4PM
109 Disque Hall

Wednesday, Nov 19, 5:30PM
Webinar (click to join on day of event)

For more information on the Udall Scholarship, including how to apply, go to: The Udall Scholarship.

Carnegie Junior Fellows Program

**This award has an internal application deadline of December 5, 2014.**

The Carnegie Junior Fellows Program is a highly-competitive award that enables recent graduates to work for a year with a senior fellow in one of the program areas of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Each year the Endowment offers 8-10 one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. They are selected from a pool of nominees from close to 400 participating colleges. Carnegie Junior Fellows work as research assistants to the Endowment's senior associates.

Download the 2015-15 Carnegie Junior Fellows Program Bulletin [PDF].

Students must be nominated by their university to apply. For more information, including how to apply, go to: The Carnegie Junior Fellows Program.