Apply Now: Truman Scholarship

August 7, 2012

The Truman Scholarship is a highly prestigious national scholarship and mentoring program for students passionately committed to careers in public service, including education and non-profit sectors. Interested students should look at the Truman website and come to an information session to find out more about our university nomination process.  Pre-applications are due to Drexel Fellowships Office November 8th.


  • $30,000 toward graduate school
  • Career and graduate school mentoring
  • The Truman network! (Some of the most highly placed figures in public life were Truman Scholars. 


  • Rising Junior only (2014 graduation).
  • Strong track record and commitment to public service.
  • Desire to be a ‘change agent’.

2013 Truman internal application and process form (PDF)

Questions? Email Rona Buchalter, Director, Drexel Fellowships Office.