Three Drexel Students Receive Goldwater Scholarships

March 31, 2011

Congratulations to Drexel’s latest recipients of the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for outstanding undergraduates in STEM fields. Magdalena Bielinski, BS/MS Electrical Engineering, Kevin Knehr, BS Mechanical Engineering and Sajjan Singh Mehta, BS/MS Physics and Mathematics each received the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. All three of these students are members of the Pennoni Honors College and both Magda and Sajjan participated in the Honors STAR Program (Students Tackling Advanced Research).

Magda BielinskiMagda expects to pursue a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with a specialty in Telecommunications. She plans to conduct research on wireless communications and digital signal processing that would benefit hospitals and healthcare programs.

Kevin KnehrKevin is planning to get a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. His goal is to conduct research in renewable energy storage systems to improve the efficiency and cost of renewable energy.

Sajjan Singh MehtaSajjan plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics conducting research in particle cosmology and mathematical physics while teaching at the university level.

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education program awards $7,500 to outstanding students in the STEM fields who intend to pursue careers as scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Goldwater Scholars typically intend to get a PhD in their field, have undergraduate research experience, and often have publications in the works.

For more information please visit or email the Drexel Fellowships Office at!