Voter Resources

Political participation is an important piece of civic engagement. We encourage the Drexel community to take advantage of voter resources and education offered through our office and other offices; some specific resources are listed below. 

Drexel Votes is a fantastic page put together by a broad coalition of campus stakeholders, including the Lindy Center for Civic Engagement. It includes resources and a listing of voting-related events. 

The Lindy Center also works closely with Civic Influencers, which coordinates student Fellows to provide resources and education on campuses throughout the country, as well as the Drexel Undergraduate Student Association to support voter registration and educational resources about political engagement. 

During election cycles, the Lindy Center works to facilitate opportunities for students to dialogue about historical and current voting related issues that both stifle and mobilize voters

 Special thanks to Maya Stallings who compiled most of this information.