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Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate

The Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate is a program for Drexel University students interested in expanding their skills and knowledge in the field of civic engagement through a social justice lens. It is open to all graduate students with previous civic engagement experience and undergraduate students who have completed CIVC 101. Participants commit to a year of workshops, reflection meetings, and a collaborative 6-month project. In addition to these workshops, participants must hold a civic engagement leadership position for at least 6 months of the program.   


How do I apply? 

Applications for the 2024-25 academic year are live through August 11th. Students interested in applying may do so by completing this form. The Lindy Center will be accepting a maximum of 15 students into the program, with the application and interview process taking place on a rolling basis throughout the month of August or until all available spots have been filled, whichever comes first.

Who’s eligible? 

All Drexel undergraduate students who have completed CIVC 101 and all graduate students with previous civic engagement experience in all areas of study are eligible to participate in the Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate. Please note that this program is not for academic credit. 


What are the requirements?

  • Students must commit to 12 months of a cohort style program.
  • The first six months will contain an in-person orientation and workshops, and hybrid meetings as a group to build civic competencies and develop the skills necessary to exhibit effective civic engagement leadership.
  • The second six months, participants will complete an individual or collaborative civic engagement leadership project in partnership with a campus or community partner which puts into practice the skills built during the first six months.
  • For at least six consecutive months of the 12-month program, participants are expected to hold a leadership position related to civic engagement, including but not limited to: CBL or CIVC 101 course assistant, Drexel Community Scholar, AmeriCorps Co-op, Civic Influencer, LLC Mentor, Lindy Scholars, student leadership position in another Drexel office, E-board of a civic engagement focused student organization, or research assistant for a community-based project.

Why should I participate in this program? 


This is an excellent opportunity to expand your horizons in the field of social justice beyond completion of community service hours. The Civic Engagement Leadership Certificate is a great way to elevate your skills, gain in-depth knowledge of community leadership, and make a lasting impact. Empower yourself to lead with purpose and advocate for social change. By the completion of this program, students can expect to have a deeper understanding of and ability to articulate their civic identities.  


What is the mission?  

  • Foster an awareness of self and others, value of community and collaboration, and an understanding of living and leading in diverse contexts through a cohort model.
  • Define and promote leadership as an integral aspect of civic engagement and collective public problem solving as necessary to making social change
  • Empower students to be ethical leaders in their local, national, and global communities; teaching them that leadership is a process, not just a position. 

What are the learning outcomes?  

  • Increase awareness of self and others in relation to civic engagement leadership and collective public problem solving
  • Demonstrate leadership in creating positive social change by addressing social issues through interaction and collaboration with diverse campus and community partners.
  • Develop the skills necessary to exhibit effective civic engagement leadership. 

Questions? Reach out to the Lindy Center via email to