Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) at Drexel

In the United States, April is nationally recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). During this month, individuals, organizations and communities are called upon to raise awareness for sexual violence and promote methods for prevention. The unifying theme for the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), based right here in Pennsylvania, this year is "Building Connected Communities." In the spirit of collaboration, connection, and enthusiastic work to promote awareness, EIC, in collaboration with other Drexel departments and organizations, has built a robust calendar of events for April 2024. You are not only encouraged to attend an event or to stop at a table, but be supported in your own efforts to raise awareness, support survivors and tell our community that there is never a reason or excuse for sexual violence.
Whether you prefer to show your support at campus events, on social media, by reading, or simply by listening and learning, please check out the variety of events. Plus, take note of where you can get ribbons, free merch and free food!
Light Up Awareness
All month long, we raise awareness about sexual violence in our community and promote support for those who have experienced any sort of sexual misconduct. Through April, look for teal candles that will light up windows around campus through the evening hours. Take a picture, post it to social media using the hashtags below, and encourage your friends, family, and followers to support survivors of sexual assault. You can use these hashtags online to share your own support: #SAAMatDrexel2024 #drexelbuildsconnectedcommunities #30daysofSAAM #SAAM2024 #NSVRC #buildingconnectedcommunities
Drexel Libraries Book Display
Through the month of April, Drexel Libraries will have a book display featuring resources that highlight survivor stories, provide information on sexual consent and offer educational insights debunking myths surrounding sexual assault. In addition, check out the Drexel Libraries socials — Instagram: @DrexelLibraries | Twitter/X: @DrexelLibraries | Facebook: /DrexelLibraries — for promotions and an online recommended reading list.
SAAM Day of Action
Tuesday, April 2, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m, Korman Quad
Audience: All
Kick off Sexual Assault Awareness Month with your commitment to promoting awareness about sexual violence. See what events are going on this month and snack on some Auntie Anne’s pretzels while getting a quick, teal temporary tattoo.
Meet the Title IX Team (with Insomnia Cookies!)
Thursday, April 4, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 33rd and Arch streets
Audience: All
Grab a cookie and say hello to members of the Title IX team at Drexel. Feel free to ask questions or simply grab some information to have for future.
Webinar – Lunch & Learn: Demystifying the EIC-3 (Sexual Misconduct) Investigative Process
Tuesday, April 9, 12-1 p.m., Zoom
Audience: All
Grab your lunch and join our Title IX case manager, Valeria Tirado, and one of our Title IX investigators, Gina Del Rio Gazzo, as they talk about what the EIC-3 investigative process can look like and answer questions about different parts of the process. As a webinar, participants are welcome to ask anonymous questions, or provide questions ahead of time. If you would like a question to be asked during the webinar, please email Kristin Vitacco at
Zoom Link (Drexel authentication required to participate)
Chalk Art Campaign
Tuesday, April 9, 4-6 p.m., Lancaster Walk
Audience: All
Join SECRET in an interactive art event open to all students, employees and community members. Participants will create vibrant chalk artwork and positive messages related to consent and sexual wellness, fostering peer-oriented dialogue within the Drexel community and promoting awareness and support for survivors of sexual violence.
“Be the Bridge:” Introducing the Drexel Employee Title IX Toolkit for Mandated Reporters
Wednesday, April 10, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Audience: Employees
To assist our mandated reporters and provide information about reporting, communicating with individuals in need, and providing resources, EIC is proud to offer “Be the Bridge, A Drexel Employee Toolkit." This document is available to help in the prevention of, and response to, sexual misconduct. Please join Kristin Vitacco, assistant director of sexual misconduct prevention and dducation for this overview of the toolkit, some brief key points about mandated reporting obligations, and how Drexel's mandated reporting policies serve to foster a safe and inclusive environment and support all members of our community. You are encouraged to review the toolkit, which can be found by clicking the link above or on the EIC website and are welcome to bring questions. To sign up for this event, please use the link in your Enterprise Learning – Understanding Title IX email, sent by Human Resources, or log into Career Pathway and search “Be The Bridge.”
Support Survivors Week
Monday, April 15-Friday, April 19, Greek From Greece (GFG)
Audience: All
A little “lemon-aid” from GFG. Support survivors by supporting the Philadelphia Sexual Assault Response Center (PSARC). PSARC was established in 2011 to meet the forensic and medical needs of sexual assault victims. All services are provided in a private medical office next to the Special Victims Unit of the Philadelphia Police Department. This unique setting allows for private, confidential, victim-centered care. The center is staffed 24/7 by specially trained and experienced Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) who provide forensic rape examinations and evidence collection to everyone, regardless of identity. PSARC cares for survivors regardless of their cooperation with law enforcement.
Stop into Greek From Greece (33rd and Arch streets) any day Monday, April 15, through Friday, April 19, for a lemonade (flavored or regular!) and GFG will donate 23 cents from each sale directly to PSARC. In addition, if you order any hot food item(s) over $15 after 12 p.m. any day that week, GFG will donate another$2.30 directly to PSARC. Why 23? To cheers 23 years of national Sexual Assault Awareness Month recognition. Use code “SAAM24” when ordering so your donation is added!
Talking Queer Health
Tuesday, April 16, 4-6 p.m., Westphal Building
Audience: All
Visit SECRET at their Queer Health Tabling event in the Westphal Building. Engage in discussions about queer safety, relationships and resources while exploring our survey on queer health topics. Participate in verbal interviews and discover sexual violence resources available on and off campus.
Speaking With a Survivor
Tuesday, April 16, 6-7 p.m., Lower Level of the Academic Building (JEMIC), 33rd and Arch streets
Audience: All
Sexual violence survivor advocate and WOAR speaker Stephanie Vogt will be joining us to share her personal story of sexual violence both in college and in the workplace. Stephanie experienced sexual harassment in the finance industry for a decade before leaving her career to heal from PTSD and other stress-related health problems. She is a teacher and student of yoga, and loves to help people calm their nervous systems through movement, breathwork and holistic self-care practices. She aims to make workplaces safer by raising awareness of what sexual harassment looks like, the physical and psychological effects of harassment, and what leaders, survivors and bystanders can do to put an end to this widespread abuse of power.
Stephanie graduated from Bucknell University in 2008 with a BA in Economics and is a CFA Charterholder. She resides in Philadelphia with her husband and son.
We do ask that interested individuals provide a soft confirmation using the linked form, as space is limited, but individuals are welcomed and encouraged to walk in. Individuals will have the opportunity to ask questions or can use the soft confirmation form to ask anonymous questions to have answered during the Q&A.
Color Me Informed
Tuesday, April 23, 3-6 p.m., Lancaster Walk
Audience: Students
Take a moment to de-stress and color a large canvas as your commitment to always asking for sexual consent. Before you walk away, don’t forget to grab some food, snacks, merch and a reminder about Denim Day the next day!
Denim Day
Wednesday, April 24, 12-6 p.m., Lancaster Walk/DAC Lawn
Audience: All
Denim Day is a campaign held during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The campaign began after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent. On this day, we wear denim in solidarity as a visible means of protest the misconceptions that surround sexual violence. Wear your denim and join us in writing messages of support, love, and strength on the denim shorts, skirts, jeans, and more that society says must have “implied consent."
Amy Spiller, Victim Services Coordinator with DUPD, members of the Student Counseling Center and representatives of the Philadelphia Sexual Assault Response Center (PSARC) will be present to provide information and resources, answer questions, and give out snacks.
Professional Panel on Queer Health
Tuesday, April 30, 4-6 p.m., Nesbitt Hall 111
Audience: All
Join SECRET for a dynamic professional panel on queer health! Explore diverse perspectives from professionals in our community. Learn from a panel of professors, Drexel faculty and community activists, all of whom integrate queer studies into their prospective fields. With coverage in law, social action, sociology, wellness and more, this panel will provide valuable insight to queer values in the professional world and foster dialogue within the community on queer health and wellness.