Unrestricted Funds Migration to 110001
Over the past several fiscal years, the Office of the Comptroller has worked with various University departments to transition funds that have an unrestricted categorization but do not use fund 110001. The intent is to also eliminate cases (other than fund 110001) were one fund is being used with more than one org or program code combination. The final wave of this migration is being put in place now so that in FY20 we will have one universal unrestricted fund code.
For fiscal year 2020, unrestricted funds that begin with a 12XXXX are being transitioned to 110001. The areas impacted include Enrollment Management and Student Success, Real Estate and Facilities, Campus Services, Athletics, IT, and Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. These areas have been advised and are taking the proper steps necessary to budget for FY20 and submit the necessary updates to ensure that charges are moved to the 110001 fund in the new fiscal year. We thank these areas for their cooperation and collaboration in the process.
To assist in this migration, and consistent with other successful fund migrations during the past few years, a crosswalk map has been prepared and posted below.
We cannot close the 12XXXX funds until all the activity has cleared, and the FY19 books are closed. As such, beginning in July 2019, General Accounting will sweep the old funds monthly for any activity and move that activity to their newly assigned FOAPAL combination. In most cases, the 12XXXX fund is simply being replaced with 110001, but where that wasn’t possible, we created a new org to accommodate the needs of the department.
In order to close the fund permanently after all activity has cleared, General Accounting will make a funding transfer to move the fund balance in these 12XXXX funds to the 110001 fund. We will work with the Office of Budget and Financial Planning to make a corresponding budget entry so that there is not a distortion when these areas view their 110001 fund. Once those entries are completed, the 12XXXX funds will be permanently closed.