Policy Compliance Process

DU-01, Official University Policies streamlines the creation and revision of all new and revised Official University Policies through a detailed, step-by-step Policy Compliance Process that includes a standardized timeline for policy reviews and approvals, increased community engagement through a stakeholder engagement framework, Policy Council and public comment period, and centralized policy management.

This page outlines the process you should follow when working on any new or revised Official University Policies, or when seeking to decommission an existing Official University Policy. Consult the  Keywords and Definitions page for helpful definitions, and please contact the Director of Policy Compliance at policy@drexel.edu with any questions.

Please note: The Office of Compliance, Policy and Privacy Program Services does not serve as the author, proprietor, interpreter or enforcer of the University’s policies. Instead, it aids Sponsoring Units in developing, reviewing or revising policies. The Office of Compliance, Policy, and Privacy Program Services offers editorial services and secondary support for crafting policy language but explicitly clarifies that it is not, and should not be perceived as, the subject matter expert. While it is inappropriate for the Office of Compliance, Policy and Privacy Program Services to assume the role of subject matter expert, the Director of Policy Compliance must attain foundational knowledge and familiarity with the relevant policy topics.