Two-year college experiences of students with autism

Two-year college is a frequent stepping stone to employment or further education.

Paul Shattuck

Anne Roux, Jessica Rast, Julianna Rava, Paul Shattuck


Education, Transition to Adulthood, Access to Services

Fact Sheet

Data Source
National Longitudinal Transition Study 2 (NLTS-2)

# Pages

Key Findings

About 1 in 3 youth with autism will attend college soon after high school, and the most common place for attendance was 2-year college.  Of those who attended 2-year college, less than half accessed help, accommodations, or services to support their education.


Two-year college is a frequent stepping stone to employment or further education. Learn about 2-year college attendance rates and what supports students with autism receive during 2-year college.

Suggested Citation

Roux AM, Rast JE, Rava JA, and Shattuck PT. (2015). Two-Year College Experiences of Students with Autism. Life Course Outcomes Research Program--Fact Sheet Series. Philadelphia, PA: Life Course Outcomes Research Program, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University.