Autism First Concerns

Family concerns and the path to an autism diagnosis

Paul Shattuck

Jessica Rast, Anne Roux, Paul Shattuck


Diagnosis and Intervention

Fact Sheet

Data Source

# Pages

Key Findings

When do parents first experience concerns about their child's development?
Who typically has these first concerns about a child's development?
What is the typical age of diagnosis of autism?


Early recognition and response to first concerns about autism may help children receive targeted autism interventions in a timely manner. This fact sheet looks closely at when first concerns about a child's development are noticed, who notices them, and the age of first autism diagnosis.

Suggested Citation

Rast J.E., Roux A.M., Shattuck P.T., National Autism Data Center Fact Sheet Series; Issue 6. Philadelphia, PA: Life Course Outcomes Research Program, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University, 2016.