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Here you'll find our publications on the service needs and outcomes of people on the autism spectrum. We report on a variety of indicators related to transition planning, education, employment and several other topics.

Our holistic approach allows us to look not only at how an individual topic affects the overall quality of life, but how these different aspects of life work together to produce more positive life outcomes.

  • Characteristics of Vocational Rehabilitation Users with Autism
    Almost 18,000 individuals with autism had a case with vocational rehabilitation services that closed in federal fiscal year 2014, accounting for about 3% of all VR cases for that year. Approximately two-thirds of this autism group received VR services before their cases closed. This fact sheet looks in detail at the demographic and impairment characteristics of VR services users with and without autism.
    Topic: Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment
    Publication Type: Fact Sheet
    Data Source: Vocational Rehabilitation (RSA-911)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Background
    Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is the largest public funder of employment services in the United States for people with disabilities, including autism. VR services can provide a bridge into the world of work as students prepare to exit school and enter adulthood, and also provides services for working age adults. This fact sheet gives a good overview of the basics of VR.
    Topic: Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment
    Publication Type: Fact Sheet
    Data Source: Vocational Rehabilitation (RSA-911)
  • First Encounters with a Health Care Provider

    This factsheet presents data from the Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services to explore parent experiences with screening, professional responses to parent concerns, and diagnosis of autism.

    Topic: Diagnosis and Intervention
    Publication Type: Fact Sheet
    Data Source: $name
  • Disciplinary Action: Special Education and Autism
    Disciplinary action disproportionately affects certain students, including students with disabilities who require access to the least restrictive educational environment, in accordance with IDEA. How do zero tolerance policies affect students with autism? This fact sheet also includes state-by-state breakdowns of the number of disciplinary actions experienced by students with autism.
    Topic: Education, Safety and Risk
    Publication Type: Fact Sheet
  • Autism First Concerns
    Early recognition and response to first concerns about autism may help children receive targeted autism interventions in a timely manner. This fact sheet looks closely at when first concerns about a child's development are noticed, who notices them, and the age of first autism diagnosis.
    Topic: Diagnosis and Intervention
    Publication Type: Fact Sheet
    Data Source: $name
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