Dragons for Life

From the moment that you begin your academic career at Drexel, you are a Dragon! This community is special, and Drexel Alumni is committed to providing resources for students that support their goals and plans for life after graduation. Online and on campus, stay in touch for ways to learn from other Dragons and kickstart your lifelong relationship with Drexel.

Dragon Network

Serving as Drexel’s online professional community, Dragon Network unites Dragons from around the world, providing a vibrant space to make connections. Find a mentor, search for career opportunities, and share your expertise with others! All students are encouraged to join and take advantage of this valuable resource – and who knows, maybe you will find a new interest!

Sign up for Dragon Network

Student Philanthropy

Your Drexel experience is one of a kind, from the moment you become a Dragon to your graduation day, and beyond. Many of the programs, clubs, scholarships, and opportunities at Drexel are possible because of donor support, and students benefit from their investment every day!

Being a part of Senior Impact is an opportunity for graduating seniors to carry on a Drexel tradition by supporting an area of the University that had an impact on their experience.

Learn more about the impact of giving