Alumni Travel Programs


Please bear with us as we update our Travel webpage.  In the meantime, to see the trips being offered please visit our travel partners’ websites:

AHI: Filter (
Gohagan Travel: Gohagan & Company (
GoNext Travel: Drexel University Office of Alumni Relations - Go Next
Orbridge: Orbridge + Drexel University Alumni Association — Educational Tours for Small Groups
Odysseys Unlimited: Costa Rica's Natural Heritage | Odysseys Unlimited (

As part of our commitment to lifelong learning, Drexel Alumni offers unique group travel opportunities* to wonderful new destinations each year. These alumni travel programs combine educational forums and excursions to places of historical and cultural interest, with the opportunity to enjoy unplanned experiences and meet local people.

We invite our Drexel community of alumni, parents, and friends to join us on travel adventures expertly overseen and planned by our trusted travel partners. Your safety, health and well-being remain the top priority and we look forward to welcoming you on these exciting journeys.

*Please note that our travel programs are not always Drexel exclusive and in many instances our trips are shared with travelers from similar educational and cultural organizations. 

To learn more about upcoming trips, send an email with your name, class year and mailing address to and you will receive detailed brochures about upcoming programs.

Questions and comments can be sent to Fanny Chu-Fong at