Paul Peck Alumni Center

Located on the southeast corner of 32nd and Market Streets, the Paul Peck Alumni Center is open to all alumni and houses the Alumni Relations office.

The building was originally designed by Philadelphia master architect Frank Furness as the Centennial Bank in 1876. As one of few buildings on campus that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places (1971), the Peck Center is a Victorian-style building that currently houses an art gallery and serves as the University's alumni center.

After undergoing a two-year renovation in 1999, led by Drexel alumnus Cameron MacTavish '87, of the architectural firm Voith & MacTavish, the Peck Center has been restored and converted into a gallery which houses a portion of The Drexel Collection.

The Peck Center is named in honor of alumnus Paul Peck '64, an information technology consultant and philanthropist.