Terri Shapiro PhD, Associate Professor, Hofstra University
Teri Shapiro PhD: Associate Professor, Hofstra University
Terri Shapiro earned her Ph.D. in Applied Research and Evaluation in Psychology from Hofstra University where she is currently an Associate Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. From 2013 2015 she served as Associate Provost for Accreditation and Outcomes Assessment and from 2015 to 2020 she served as Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at Hofstra. As the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs she worked closely with the Provost to plan and develop academic programs, initiatives, and budgets, to support the University’s short and long-term strategic goals, and institutional mission. She provided leadership, and leadership development, across the university including shared governance, relations with the AAUP, participated in administrative decision making, and built relationships with faculty, chairs, deans, vice provosts, and other Academic and Administrative units across the University. Dr. Shapiro oversaw Faculty Affairs, including Faculty Development, a Leadership Development program, technology and online learning initiatives, and Faculty Research, Education and Development (FRED) seminars and workshops, application of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Faculty Policy Series, Faculty Statutes and all other processes that involve faculty. She also was responsible for leading the University’s institution wide Assessment and Accreditation, managing, reviewing and supporting the accrediting process for institutional and program-level accreditations, including 32 specialized accreditations. She and coordinated and supported the University’s academic outcomes assessment program, which included the assessment of student outcomes in both general education and the program or major. She also played a key role in the University’s recent, and very successful, Middle States institutional reaccreditation process.
Dr. Shapiro has also been a consultant to organizations on Leadership Development, the customer experience, service quality and survey and sampling. She has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in leadership, research methods, industrial and organizational psychology, consumer psychology at Hofstra and has also taught courses in Leadership, Organizational Development, and Research Methods for the Baruch College Executive MBA Program in Singapore and Taiwan.