Heard Around Campus — March

March 27, 2019

Heard Around Campus

It’s the time just before spring term starts at Drexel University, with students returning to campus and classes starting up again next week. Faculty and staff should take this time to look over what deadlines and opportunities will be coming up in the next month, and reflect on important news from March.

Here’s what was heard around campus in March:

Half-Day Fridays Return for the Summer!

Just in case you didn’t see the March 25 email from President John Fry, or heard about this from your colleagues — yes, half-day Fridays are returning for this summer! You can enjoy half-days on the end of the week from June 21 to Sept. 6.

As noted in the email:

Special arrangements for additional time off will be made for faculty and professional staff in the College of Medicine, Drexel Libraries, and at the Academy of Natural Sciences, as well as in other academic departments whose responsibilities may not permit a half-day off on Friday.

Academic units with instructional needs and significant externally-sponsored research commitments will make special arrangements, as needed. In addition, all student offices should remain open with a reduced staff for normal operating hours. Additional details will be posted at the Employee Engagement web page.

Have You Signed Up For a Farm Share?

This summer and fall, eat well and support local farms with The Common Market Farm Share! Sign up to receive a box fresh and locally grown foods delivered conveniently to Drexel for pick-up every 2 weeks from June through November.

So, what exactly is a “farm share?” The Common Market Farm Share is a subscription to seasonal, local foods, all sourced from nearby family farms. Members receive their choice of share, including a small or large produce share, one dozen certified humane eggs, artisanal cheese share, antibiotic-free poultry share, full meat share, freshly baked bread share, and/or a plain or flavored yogurt share.

The Summer + Fall season includes 12 bi-weekly deliveries from June to November.

To view pricing and share information, click here. Sign up by April 12 to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount on large and small fruit and vegetable Shares!

Inspire A Child to Dream Day is on April 25

As noted in a recent DrexelNow article, the annual Inspire a Child to Dream Day is scheduled for April 25 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. with optional activities to follow. Children of Drexel faculty and professional staff members between the ages of 6 and 12 are invited to participate in exciting and engaging learning activities with many of Drexel’s colleges and departments. Lunch will be provided for all participating children and volunteers. To register your child, please complete the Registration and Consent forms no later than April 5; walk-ins are not permitted. If you have any questions regarding the registration form, contact inspireregistration@drexel.edu. Visit the Human Resources website for more information. 

Drexel Homeownership Vendor Fair

Thinking about purchasing a home or learn more about the neighborhoods? Be sure to attend the Drexel Homeownership Vendor Fair on April 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Drexel Recreation Center Lobby. Come for food, raffle prize giveaways and free massages, and learn more about the Drexel Employee Home Purchase Assistance Program. For questions about the event, email the Human Resources Service Center at hr@drexel.edu.

R.A.D Public Safety Training

Drexel Public Safety hosts free R.A.D. Self-Defense Courses for Drexel students, employees, and the immediate community, teaching the basics of hands-on defense training taught by certified R.A.D. instructors. The next R.A.D. for Women course series is held as a four-date Monday/Wednesday series on April 8, 10, 15 and 17, or as a one-day class on April 27. Registrants must attend all four weekday evening classes or the Saturday all-day class to complete the program in full. For additional information, please visit Public Safety’s website or contact Karen Sams at 215.895.1609. To register, complete the form on Public Safety’s website.

New Lactation Lounge for Nursing Mothers 

Now open in the Main Building, this lounge is the fourth designated lactation space on the University City Campus, located at 3141 Chestnut St. Room 222K. The new space is equipped with a table, chair and refrigerator for mothers who would like to store their milk in this private space. Requests to reserve the space should go to Erin Sahu at 215.571.3516 or elo27@drexel.edu. Additional designated Lactation Room locations and reservation information for all Drexel campuses can be found on the “Resources for New and Expecting Parents” page of the Human Resources Website.

Civic Engagement Award Nominations Due April 5

Each year, the Lindy Center for Civic Engagement honors and recognizes students, faculty, staff, and community partners for their commitment to civic engagement and public service. 

To nominate a faculty member, click here. And to nominate students, staff and community partners, click here. Descriptions of the awards, from civic engagement awards to leadership awards, are available in the descriptions in the sites, and were also listed in a March 27 email sent to faculty and staff by Lindy Center for Civic Engagement.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Drexel’s Office of Equality and Diversity will host their annual “Teal Tuesday” initiative starting April 2 during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Volunteers will be at the Mario Dragon Statue at the corner of 33rd and Market streets every Tuesday in April from 12–2 p.m. to pass out shirts and ribbons for those who would like to participate, along with information about sexual violence and related topics.

Earth Day 2019

Save the date! Drexel celebrates Earth Day and the University’s commitment to environmental sustainability with its annual EarthFest on April 23, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Lancaster Walk. This block party-style celebration will have food, fun, games and giveaways and will showcase University stakeholders, local businesses and organizations with “green” initiatives. This event is free and open to the University community.

Supplier Expo and Merchant Fair

Procurement Services and Business Services will host the 2019 Supplier Expo and Merchant Fair on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Behrakis Grand Hall (Creese Student Center) on the University City Campus. Drexel suppliers and local merchants that participate in the DragonDollars program will display information regarding their goods and services. Attendees may participate in a gift card raffle and participating business may have giveaways or samples. For more information, email Procurement Services at purevent@drexel.edu.

Parking Services

Spring 2019 Parking Permits are available for purchase via ParkDrexel located in DrexelOne on the “Campus + Community” tab. For rates or parking location information, visit the Parking Services website.

Diversity & Inclusion Spotlight: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

The Westphal College of Media Arts & Design not only encourages students and faculty to develop their talents and broaden their creative horizons, but also strives to cultivate a supportive, respectful community for all cultural groups. Two summer programs held in 2018 illustrate the College’s commitment to these goals:

  • Drexel Arts Academy: This free, week-long, intensive commuter program gave underserved and underrepresented high school students the opportunity to experience the arts on a collegiate level. The program featured hands-on experiences in architecture, dance, digital fabrication, fashion design, interior design, and photography. Classes were taught by Westphal’s award-winning faculty and included studio classes, meaningful conversations about careers in the arts, supplies for projects, lunch on campus, and enriching experiences in art and design. Last summer the program welcomed 10 Philadelphia high school students, 15-18 years old, many of whom were from families who experience economic hardship.  
  • Westphal Summer Programs: In 2018, the College hosted 145 students from across the United States for one- to two-week summer programs for high school students. Students selected from architecture, interior design, fashion design, design & merchandising, music industry, graphic design, and photography. Each program includes introductions to related professions, studio instruction, lectures, attendance of cultural events, and other on- and off-campus activities. Attendees live in campus housing and are given a full introduction to the benefits of a college arts education. Three of this year’s participants were provided full, U.S. Department of Education scholarships to attend the summer programs; these participants were from low-income families, all of whom had experienced homelessness.

This Diversity & Inclusion Spotlight was excerpted from the FY2018 Inclusive Community Review, an annual report celebrating the diversity and inclusion-related achievements of each of Drexel’s academic and administrative units. For general questions about diversity and inclusion initiatives at Drexel, please contact the Office of Equality & Diversity at oed@drexel.edu.

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