Creating with Constraints
January 16, 2013
Join us for Creating with Constraints, a lecture series sponsored by DesignPhiladelphia and the Corzo Center for the Creative Economy. We will consider how theorists, artists and designers contribute to solving the problems we face regarding resource scarcity. All lectures will be held in CBS Auditorium, Hamilton Hall, 320 South Broad Street, from 6-7:30pm. The lectures are open to the public; RSVP here:
February 19
Diana Lind, The Resourceful City: How Cities Flourish Despite Constraints
Next American City executive director and editor in chief looks at cities that have developed unusual responses to their financial, spatial or social constraints, becoming paragons of design, culture and creativity.
March 5
Medard Gabel, Designing for the Planet
Author and co-founder of The World Game Institute with Buckminster Fuller, Gabel discusses an interactive program that transforms audience into problem solvers.You are in charge of a very large spacecraft. And something very serious has gone wrong. What are you going to do?
(A message from Gabel's youtube channel: Big Picture Consulting:
April 16
Leah Murphy and Aaron Goldblatt (UArts alum), The Making of a Viaduct Green
Urban designer and exhibition designer examine how two former railway lines - a stretch of fifty city blocks - can become a future garden, a civic project that can enhance the quality of life, cultural landscape and economic vitality of Philadelphia. For information about a tour of the proposed VIADUCTgreene project, visit

DesignPhiladelphia demonstrates, educates and promotes design's ability to generate inovation, solve problems, enhance daily life, and influence both the perception and economics of the region. For more information, contact
Presented by the Design Programs at the University of the Arts, in partnership with DesignPhiladelphia and the Corzo Center for the Creative Economy.