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Q&A with August Thomas, Goodwin Student Speaker for the Class of 2023

June 8, 2023

August Thomas

Name: August Thomas

Hometown: Originally from Jackson, MS, but a resident of South Jersey for the last 20 years

Major(s): General Studies, Minors in Business Administration and Client Development and Customer Service

Current Job: AVP, Senior Legal Operations Manager at large insurer in Philadelphia

Post-commencement plans:

Will be studying for my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam in the fall.

Highlights from your experience at Drexel and Goodwin:

No extracurriculars (adult learner with a family and full-time job. Went to Drexel for 2.5 years to finish my bachelor’s degree).

What are some highlights or memorable moments from your time as a Goodwin student?

My first course at Drexel was a marketing course and I had not taken a college course in over 18 years. I’ll never forget how much I enjoyed the lectures and office hours and just the opportunity to learn new things or take a different eye on things I thought I knew. It made me feel like ‘I can do this’ and was just the boost I needed to get through the next couple of years.

Who are some of the individuals from Goodwin’s faculty and staff who have helped and supported you during your time here, and what impact did they have on you?

My advisors, Lamont Wilson and Nina Kosoglou were invaluable in helping me map out my path. Lamont helped me in the beginning figure out how to maximize my transferred credits and get the most out of my time here. He also suggested a double minor because I had a lot of electives to take. He recommended that I leverage those extra credits to get another credential and suggested a new minor that was available. Nina was always thorough, responsive and helpful in providing guidance and support each quarter when I requested to meet with her. She was familiar with the program and courses, made suggestions and accommodations where appropriate and helped me move through as efficiently as possible. As a working professional with a family, I had no time to waste. They made me feel like I was the only student that they worked with.

What is the top lesson you learned either in or outside of the classroom?

Something I learned after a professional setback that prompted me to go back to school, and it was that you should never stop developing yourself. It’s not enough to just put your head down and do the work. I am now committed to being a lifelong learner. Taking classes, joining industry organizations and investing in my own professional development, versus expecting or waiting for my company to do it for me has really shifted by mindset. The required course on Lifelong learning (GSTD 200 Lifelong Learning Theory and Practice) reinforced that for me as well. Sometimes we assume that we will get older and learn everything we need to know, but learning is not passive. It’s active; it’s about being tapped into your life, to the people you love, to the world around you and being an active participant by being deliberate about learning.

Looking back on your time at Goodwin, how would you say you have grown or changed?

I now feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. I went back to school during a pandemic, two job transitions, all while taking care of my family and working full time. I am a focused and diligent person and those qualities have helped me through life, but this educational journey has boosted my confidence in my ability to challenge myself and learn. That saying is true, you don’t know what you don’t know. Education helped fill those gaps.

What accomplishment from your time at Goodwin are you most proud of?

Simply put, finishing! I’m so excited to walk across that stage and receive my degree. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and while there were many roadblocks when I was younger, the only thing that holds me back now is me.

How did your time at Goodwin help you with your current job role?

I’m an operations and project manager by trade and being able to leverage the flexibility with elective credits enabled me to focus on taking courses that were relevant and useful to me as a project manager and team leader.

What are you planning to share in your message to your fellow graduates?

That it’s never too late to do the things left undone!