Student Film Insurance

The Office of Risk Management can assist any Drexel University student required to shoot a film as part of required coursework AND who will be involved with shooting at an outside location requiring evidence of liability insurance coverage.

Please be advised that:

  • location insurance is not automatic and the issuance of coverage will be decided after a review of the film and the location being proposed;
  • at this time, location insurance is the only insurance provided for student films;
  • the University does not insure SAG actors or any actors for workers' compensation; and
  • students cannot sign any agreement which agrees to provide this coverage.

Outside Location Shoots

If an outside location requires evidence of liability coverage before allowing you to shoot your film at that location, the following steps listed below must be completed to obtain a certificate of insurance. We recommend not volunteering to provide a certificate of insurance unless the location specifically requests one. This can avoid running around on both our end and your end. If the location requires an agreement in addition to insurance, this agreement must be reviewed by Risk Management prior to it being signed.

Steps to Obtain Insurance

  • Requests must be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the date needed.
  • You must complete the Request for Location Insurance Form and contact Risk Management at (215) 895-6852 or (215) 895-2292.
  • Depending on the film project, a short meeting may be required.

 Request for Location Insurance Form (PDF).