Global Perspectives: Diving into the Ripple Effects of Global Disruption
January 14, 2021
Searching for Solutions: Diving into the Ripple Effects of Global Disruption builds upon the success of the CNHP Board of Global Healthcare Engagement’s first virtual conference entitled Disrupting the Global Pandemic:
Nursing Stories from the Forefront. This upcoming event will delve deeper into the emerging opportunities for frontline healthcare workers abroad and locally to influence care delivery and policy during the pandemic.
This virtual conference, on January 21 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., is part of an ongoing series, “Global Perspectives” sponsored by the College of Nursing and Health Professions (CNHP), Board of Global Healthcare Engagement in collaboration with Drexel’s Office of Global Engagement.
This presentation are the results of a collaboration in which we’ve asked global healthcare stakeholders to describe current disruptions in their respective countries on video. Three CNHP faculty members analyzed those clips for common themes. Those that emerged are social/cultural disruptions, economic effects and political upheavals, and struggles with mental health.
A five-minute compilation of stakeholders’ responses will be shown followed by a faculty-facilitated discussion of each theme elaborating on questions arising from the recording. Panelists will include the global stakeholders who will elaborate on the material presented as well as answering questions which arise base on the presentations.
Fran Cornelius, PhD, the assistant dean of Teaching, Learning and Engagement, will open up the event with an introduction and overview of this work. Jane Greene Ryan, PhD, associate professor of nursing, Omolabake Fadeyibi, MSN, an instructor of health assessment and community health, and Sandra Friedman, CNM, an assistant clinical professor of nursing, will tackle the themes.
Friedman, the lead for this event, says it highlights Drexel’s deep commitment to engage the global community in an open discussion forum. “We look to help our community at-large, be globally inspired and connect in a meaningful way,” she shared. Members of the board have worked diligently this year to point out the incredible efforts of health professionals on the front line during. “This event, like many planned by the board, explores these lived experiences,” she added.
The Board of Global Healthcare Engagement aims to promote existing opportunities and to identify and foster new programming and funding for global healthcare engagement for CNHP students, faculty and staff. The Board meets monthly, and all members are actively engaged in unique projects just like this.
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