ABFT International Training Programs
March 9, 2015
The Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Training Program continues to conduct ABFT training internationally. ABFT is the only manualized, empirically informed and supported family therapy model specifically designed to target family and individual processes associated with adolescent suicide and/or depression. In September 2014, we conducted a 3-day introductory workshop in Toronto, Canada. In October 2014, we hosted colleagues from Australia, Belgium and Sweden for our first Train the Trainer workshop. We have 3-day introductory workshops scheduled this year in Australia and Ireland. We will also be conducting an advanced 3-day workshop in Australia this summer. In addition to trainings, we currently run ongoing supervision groups with therapists throughout Australia, Belgium, Canada and Sweden on a regular basis. Additionally, we have begun working with a hospital in Belgium to begin implementing ABFT with young adult patients and help staff on the young adult unit begin taking a family systems and attachment perspective when interacting with patients. For more information please contact Suzanne Levy at slevy@drexel.edu.