Drexel's Nutrition program findings to be published in the Journal of School Health

November 22, 2011

Ann Marsteller, MBA, MS, RD, LDN, program director of the Department of Nutrition Science's EAT.RIGHT.NOW, has announced that impact study results entitled "4th Grade Vegetable Core Evaluation" will be published in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of School Health. 

The manuscript, which was included in the 2011 Pennsylvania Nutrition Education TRACKS report, was developed after tracking 4th graders across the state who received a 4-lesson, evidence-based intervention focused on vegetables. Fifty-two classrooms participated in follow up evaluation during the 2010-11 school year. Pre and post- tests were administered and students with matched surveys were included in the analyses. Post-test scores showed significant improvement for four constructs tested: vegetable related knowledge, preference, attitude and self-efficacy.