Al Rundio Appointed to Chair of Doctoral Nursing Practice Department at CNHP

Philadelphia, PA, April 1, 2011

Effective April 1, 2011, Al Rundio, PhD will assume the position of Chair of the Doctoral Nursing Practice Department the College of Nursing and Health Professions.  Rundio moves into this role after being with the College on a part-time agreement. The perspective he brings to the program is most valuable given the education he holds: PhD and DNP.

Rundio, former CNO of Shore Memorial Hospital and for faculty member at Rutgers University, Stockton State College and La Salle University, comes to the College of Nursing and Health Professions with a depth of nursing perspective in practice and education. Rundio is currently under contract with Jones and Bartlett Publishers authoring a text on the DNP Nurse Executive Role. He is also under contract with Sigma Theta Tau authoring a text on basic budgeting concepts for new nurse managers. Both of these texts are due to be completed in the Fall of 2011. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Addictions Nursing and writes a column in this quarterly journal entitled "Pharmacology Corner."  He has been on the editorial board of the Merck Manuals from 2000 through 2009.

Rundio is President-Elect of the International Nurses Society on Addictions and  a consultant to ANCC having developed and present nationally the Nurse Executive Review Course; the Adult Nurse Practitioner Review Course; and the Pharmacology Update series for Advanced Practice Nurses. Most recently, he was selected by the Center for Substance Abuse (CSAT) a division of SAMHSA as the nurse practitioner, who along with a psychiatrist and a PA, developed a core curriculum on Methadone administration to improve treatment outcomes in Methadone clinics. This curriculum has been and will continue to be presented nationally until 2014.

We believe that the DRNP Program will enter a new era under Rundio’s leadership.