Hasan Ayaz Presents Keynote Lecture on Observing the Brain at Work in Everyday Life at NeuroIS Retreat 2023 July 27, 2023 Hasan Ayaz, PhD, associate professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, was the keynote speaker at the NeuroIS Retreat 2023, held in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Ayaz’s keynote presentation was titled, "Observing the “Brain at Work” in Everyday Life Using Optical Brain Imaging: Challenges and Opportunities for NeuroIS.” The NeuroIS Society hosts the retreat, which is a leading academic conference for presenting research and development projects at the nexus of information systems (IS) and neurobiology and provides a platform for scholars to discuss their studies and exchange ideas. This annual conference promotes the development of the NeuroIS field, with activities primarily delivered by and for academics, though works often having a professional orientation. This year’s retreat included a total of 32 research paper presentations. A major goal is to provide feedback for scholars to advance their research papers toward high-quality journal publications. NeuroIS is a field in Information Systems (IS) that uses neuroscience and neurophysiological tools and knowledge to better understand the development, adoption, and impact of information and communication technologies.