Manyah Kohli, Gabriela Hernandez-Meza, and Daryl Omire-Mayor Each Receive an NSF Fellowship to Attend the 15th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovaton

April 13, 2016

Manyah Kohli, BS student in BIOMED, Gabriela Hernandez-Meza, PhD student in BIOMED (Advisor: K. Izzetoglu), and Daryl Omire-Mayor, PhD student in BIOMED (Advisor: K. Pourrezaei), each received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship to attend the 15th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation: from Gene to System, in Izmir, Turkey, from June 24–30, 2016.