This Article’s position regarding implicit bias theory is that
implicit bias theory does indeed describe a consequential reality.
This author has no quarrel with the cognitive science referenced
in the various studies, and I know that the unconscious
racism to which it refers is endemic to our society. The problem,
however, is that implicit bias theory bears an implicit bias
of its own that leaves it fatally compromised in charting the way
forward to social transformation. Implicit bias theory misrecognizes
the nature of racism and thus underestimates the scale
of the breach to be crossed through anti-racist agitation. In particular,
implicit bias theory displaces the singular position of black people under racial regime. For this reason, this Article
suggests that implicit bias theory is particularly inept in dealing
with the racist violence of the law. There is an onto-epistemic
structure—the basis of our understanding of existence and
knowledge—more fundamental than the dynamics revealed in
cognitive science. In other words, scientific inquiry into the nature
of racism is itself in fee to the prevailing anti-black image
of humanity.