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Drexel University

Submit an Event to be approved by College of Arts and Sciences

Please complete the form below to submit your event request(s). Fields marked with an * are required to complete the form submission. Your event requests will be forwarded to the appropriate Calendar administrator(s) for review and approval. You will receive email notifications when your requests have been processed. If your event requires a room booking, then you will receive an email regarding approval or denial of that booking request. If your event requires resources, then you will also receive an email notification when the resource request(s) have been processed. Lastly, if your event includes marketing category selections, then you will be notified once the event has been approved for posting live on to the appropriate calendar(s).
Event Submitted By
(This information will not be displayed with the event.)
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email Address:

Event Information
*Event Name:
Please limit Event Name to 10 words or less.

Select at least one category for your event. For several categories, choose “Select Multiple,” then follow the directions. Also consider requesting placement on the university home page and/or the features areas of the Events website.

Event Categorization:
*Event Description:
Below are some tips for Event Descriptions:
  • Please check for misspellings.
  • If you are including acronymms, please make sure they are spelled out somewhere in the description.
  • Refrain from using rhetorical questions. (i.e. Are you interested in ...?)
  • If your event requires tickets, include the ticket price and where/how to purchase them.
  • If your event requires registration, include the instructions.
  • If your event has a related website with more information, include the URL.
  • If the description consists of a lot of text, break it up into paragraphs.
  • Please check facts like the spelling of university members names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
  • If you are including URLs in the description please be sure they go to a working website.
Upload Image:

Note that the maximum file size should not exceed 80K and .JPG format is preferred.
Image Alt Text: (?)

Image Alt Text is required if an image file has been uploaded.
Upload Attachment:
Attachment Link Text:

Event Date(s)
Start Date:
End Date:
Recur Pattern Custom Schedule
Event Time(s)
 All Day

Times must be keyed in correctly or the system will ignore them. Enter the hour (without a leading zero), a colon, the minutes, and then AM or PM without periods or spaces. For example, 10:30AM or 7:05PM.

Start Time:
End Time:

Event Contact Information
(While not strictly required, it is highly advisable to include contact information for your event.
If NO contact information is provided for your event, it may not be approved.)

Phone #:
Email Address:

Event Location and Audience(s)
Events open to the general Drexel community
should be marked only as EVERYONE.
Special Features:

Internal Only Information
(This information does not display with the event details.)

Internal Notes: