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Student Development


To improve STEM student persistence, a new UNIV 101 model was developed that includes:

  • Peer mentors
  • Inquiry-based projects
  • Team Building activities
  • Social adjustment activities


The STEM Peer Mentor Program selects and trains upperclassmen in STEM majors to serve as in-class peer mentors for freshman enrolled in UNIV 101 and other introductory courses.

STEM Peer Mentors:

  1. Receive training on how to serve as an effective mentor
  2. Attend the introductory course for freshman each week
  3. Engage in other duties relating to the course (i.e., grading assignments or providing tutoring support)
  4. Offer personal insight to help support incoming freshman
  5. Arrange for at least two out-of-class activities to engage students intellectually and socially outside of class

Mentorship training is designed to develop and enhance the mentorship and leadership skills among STEM Peer Mentors, emphasizing communication among peer groups and other undergraduate students. Through the HHMI grant, STEM Peer Mentors receive a $300 stipend for their participation in the program.

For more information contact