The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Sustaining Excellence Program at Drexel University is focused on improving the retention of STEM undergraduates through two strategies:
- Building mentored intellectual and social communities for STEM undergraduates that focus on student identity development
- Incentivizing STEM faculty to develop evidence-based education competencies through community building, mentored support activities and recognition of innovative teaching
Drexel activities include:
- Modification to the University 101 course to incorporate: peer mentors, inquiry projects, and team activities
- Course to support faculty teaching large introductory STEM courses
- CASTLE Seminar Series, Pedagogical Happy Hour and yearly symposium
- CASTLE Faculty Fellows, who support faculty teaching undergraduate STEM courses by answering questions about implementing effective online/remote teaching and serving as a sounding board for faculty that want advice about an approach they would like to try in their classroom