How can we improve the lives of people on the autism spectrum? This is the big question we at the Life Course Outcomes team are working to answer. Our award winning research informs policy and services at the community and national levels on ways to improve quality of life.
We cover a wide range of topics, all related to producing better life outcomes for people on the autism spectrum.
New on the Blog
Jul 27, 2020

Twenty-five students enrolled in the School District of Philadelphia’s
School-to-Work Transition Programs gathered virtually on July 2
nd to hear from the first of many excited and experienced business leaders as part of this summer’s Extended School Year program.
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Nov 14, 2019

On November 4th, Transition Pathways of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute in partnership with Community Integrated Services hosted an event to promote inclusive hiring practices for those with autism and other disabilities
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