Design & Merchandising Program to Honor Alumna Dawn King Vitale

May 6, 2022

At this year’s Design & Merchandising (D&M) Senior Show, the program will honor alumna Dawn King Vitale (’03) for her outstanding contributions to the retail and merchandising industry.

Dawn King Vitale is currently the Vice President of Global Merchandising at Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&Co.) With her background in managing retail and brand merchandising, Dawn understands the importance of an authentic connection between global brands and consumers, is passionate about inclusive and moral leadership, and demonstrates how a change agent and creative decision maker can ensure long term success to the business.  Her passion and curiosity for “what’s next” and insights into catering to a globally diverse consumer are channeled into revenue driving strategic initiatives that have had lasting impact to both brand and business.

Before joining LS&Co., Dawn worked as Vice President of Tommy Jeans and Head of Merchandising for Calvin Klein Jeans for PVH, both based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  Dawn received her B.S in Design & Merchandising from Drexel University, in Philadelphia. After graduation, she moved to San Francisco joining the retail merchandising training program for Gap Inc., where she then spent several years managing different businesses within a vertical retail landscape.

The D&M Senior Show will be held on June 6 at 7:00pm in the URBN Center Lobby, 3501 Market Street. D&M alumni are invited to join a meetup prior to the show to network with fellow alums and reconnect with faculty. RSVP for the alumni meetup here.

See the full lineup of senior exhibitions, end-of-year events, and spring performances here.