Discussion Links Drexel’s Anti-Racism Efforts and Its New Strategic Plan

February 23, 2022

Three people seated at a table to record a podcast.
Left to right: Ahaji Schreffler, Jason Schupbach and Kim Gholston on Feb. 8, 2022. Photo courtesy Alyssa Porambo.

Earlier this month, three leaders from Drexel University’s Anti-Racism Task Force and “Drexel 2030: Designing the Future,” the University’s new 10-year strategic plan, discussed updates related to both of those long-term, University-wide projects aiming to make Drexel a stronger and more equitable institution.

The session was moderated by Ahaji Schreffler, senior director of education abroad in the Office of Global Engagement, who hosted the discussion as both the DEI liaison and CORE Team member for the Drexel 2030 strategic plan process as well as one of the two co-administrators for the Anti-Racism Task Force. The speakers were Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer Kim Gholston, who led the Anti-Racism Task Force in partnership with other University leaders, and Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design Dean Jason Schupbach, who is the dean’s liaison and one of the chairs of the Equitable Culture Imperative Team for the strategic plan. 

Their conversation was recently uploaded to Soundcloud and also posted on the Drexel 2030 website for listeners to learn more about the culture of equity strategic imperative of the Drexel 2030 strategic plan, which will be informed by the work of the 100 faculty, professional staff and students who were part of Anti-Racism Task Force and  helped to create Anti-Racist Drexel: The Anti-Racism Task Force's Final Report and the University’s Commitments to Change.” Topics discussed during the 45-minute conversation include insight into how the Anti-Racism Task Force’s work will be supported by the strategic planning process, and what recommendations are currently being implemented at the University and influencing the strategic plan. The speakers also shared how faculty, professional staff and students can support those commitments and learn more about both projects, which aim to enhance both the identity of the University and the ways in which Drexel recognizes and supports its community members and their intersecting identities.

The conversation was recorded at the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design’s Music Industry Studios (located at 3101 Market St.) on Feb. 8. Future conversations and similar discussions may be planned for additional updates.

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