Amazon Alum

January 11, 2016

As a User Experience (UX) designer at Amazon, Westphal Digital Media alum Matt Morton has an arsenal of insight to offer about unique approaches to human interface design. At the next Refresh Philly event on Thursday, January 14, Morton will discuss Amazon’s UX design process in a free-to-the-public talk entitled “Working Backwards,” starting at 6:30pm in the URBN Annex Screening Room (3401 Filbert Street).  Refresh Philly is a monthly series that brings together the best and brightest web professionals in the Philadelphia area to stimulate sharing in the field. Click here to register for the free talk, during which Morton will discuss pre-sales/prototyping, sold work, custom work, production/workflow, and how Amazon’s human interface guidelines are manifested. Arrive early for food and refreshments sponsored by Thoughtbot.

Since graduating from Drexel’s Digital Media program in 2010, Morton has served as creative technology manager at Ogilvy & Mather; front end developer at Mass Relevance; interactive designer, developer, and team manager at ICC Lowe; and interactive designer and developer at Digitas Health.

For more information about Refresh Philly, please contact professor Troy Finamore at