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Cinema & TV Alumni Profile: Christopher Palo

February 24, 2016

Christopher Palo graduated in 2004 with a BS from the Film and Video Program, and went on to receive his MBA, MS in Television Management in 2007. He is now the Director of Video Production for Time Inc., where he produces content for major properties including People, TIME, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, Essence, Money, InStyle, Food + Wine and many others.  

Year you graduated:  BS FMVD ’04 MBA, MS TVMN '07


Current job title: Director of Video Production for Time Inc. 

At Time Inc. we produce content for all our a major properties including People, TIME, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, Essence, Money, InStyle, Food + Wine and many others.  My role is leading our central production team, which includes day to day operation of our new 5 studio complex at Brookfield Place as well as special projects related to large scale production of live and VOD content.  


What do you like most about your current position?

The best part about what I do is growing a team around such a large variety of productions.  Every day is a new challenge.  We’ll go from a 12 hour live show for Sports Illustrated one day to talking to the International Space Station the next.  


How did you get this job?

I applied via Indeed and after 6 months and 7 interviews, I landed the job.  


How would you advise anyone considering working in NYC?

Do it.  There are good jobs making great content in NYC.


Which part of your Drexel experience has played the biggest role in your current position?

Everyone always says the co-op, which was important for me to learn what I did not want to pursue in my career.  More important than that was the knowledge that the media landscape is ever changing.  That doesn’t mean you have to be on the bleeding edge all the time, just that there are opportunities at every turn if you keep an eye out.  


If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself upon graduation?

Go where the work is and be ready & open to learn.  Your first job won’t be your last.  The content landscape is changing so fast that there are opportunities in Film & Television, but more so now in OTT and other alternative distribution channels to create great content.  Be open to new opportunities.  Learn to network.  With a degree from Drexel comes a built in network – Use it.  


How many Drexel Alums have you hired?  Why?

Currently, I have 6 Drexel Alums working at Time Inc. as Camera Ops, Floor Directors, Audio and Production Management.  Over my career, I’ve hiring 15-20 alums long term and dozens freelance.  The thing about hiring someone who graduated from Drexel is I know they have a base knowledge that we can build off and I know they can learn.  In reality, we will teach a new team member about their day to day job, but the best part about an alum is you know what knowledge they have and what they may be lacking.