TV Management Program Quarterly News

February 24, 2016

This summer, The TVMN graduate program will launch Global TV: London a blended study abroad course. Karen Curry, Director of the Cal and Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies will lead the course online for nine weeks, featuring interviews and lectures from the UK’s leading TV managers at the BBC, ITV, Endemol, and the like.  In the tenth week, students will fly to London to meet with their instructors and to visit iconic media organizations for an insider’s perspective. An optional side trip to the Edinburgh Television Festival is planned.

TVMN Professor Phil Salas recently took his TVIE 280 Research, Programming and Sales class to Fox studios, located in Center City. After a tour of the facility, they met with the sales managers who talked about how they work with advertising agencies and clients in generating advertising revenue for the station. They also provided information and applications for summer internships. Thanks to our hosts, Rob Willinger, General Sales Manager, and Bruce Peltzer, Local Sales Manager.