Celebrating All Drexel Authors

April 27, 2016

Celebrating Drexel Authors

The Office of the Provost and Drexel Libraries honored Drexel faculty, staff and students who wrote or edited books that were published in 2015 at the fourth annual Celebrating Drexel Authors event.

Seventy-six published authors and editors had their moment in the spotlight on April 27 in the A.J. Drexel Picture Gallery. Thirteen colleges and one administrative department were represented at the event. 

The works honored include a look at the intersection of hip hop music and the law, stories of Somalia, an examination of intimate partner violence, a guide for how to utilize geek culture for a library and a critical examination of journalistic timidity in times of war.

Here’s a comprehensive list of honorees and their works:


- Elizabeth McLean, research associate

The Philadelphia Country House: Architecture and Landscape in Colonial America

Colonial Americans, if they could afford it, liked to emulate the fashions of London and the style and manners of English country society while at the same time thinking of themselves as distinctly American. The houses they built reflected this ongoing cultural tension. By the mid-18th century, Americans had developed their own version of the bourgeois English countryseat, a class of estate equally distinct in social function and form from townhouses, rural plantations and farms. Philadelphia was surrounded by a particularly extraordinary collection of country houses and landscapes. Taken together, these estates make up one of the most significant groups of homes in colonial America.


- James T. Reese Jr., associate professor, Sport Management

Sports Leadership: A Concise Reference Guide

An authoritative, up-to-date reference guide organized in alphabetical fashion, covering all the major interdisciplinary themes related to individual, group and team leadership in sports. Key themes include business, ethical, gender, coaching and athletic leadership.


- Larissa Milne, adjunct professor                             

Philadelphia Liberty Trail: Trace the Path of America's Heritage             

Experience the founding of America in the city where it all began by strolling the newly created Philadelphia Liberty Trail, which was developed by the authors to give visitors a more complete view of this historic city. This guide takes a fresh approach to the historic district; going beyond such popular sights as the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, highlighting attractions and unique spots overlooked by other guidebooks.       Winner of the 2015 Book-of-the-Year award from the Society of American Travel Writers Eastern Chapter.


- Susan E. Bell, PhD, professor and department head, Department of Sociology

Reimagining (Bio)Medicalization, Pharmaceuticals and Genetics: Old Critiques and New Engagements

This timely collection of original essays in medicalization examines topics related to gender, race and class as they intersect with technoscience and health from a global perspective. Essential reading for any class on health or medicine.

- Ron Bishop, PhD, professor, Culture and Communication

Community Newspapers and the Japanese-American Incarceration Camps: Community, Not Controversy

This book critically examines the tendency of journalists to be timid in times of war, precisely when the public's need for accurate information is so pressing.

- Robert Brulle, PhD, professor, Department of Sociology               

Climate Change and Society: Sociological Perspectives

Climate change is one of the most critical issues of the 21st century, presenting a major intellectual challenge to both the natural and social sciences. While there has been significant progress in natural science understanding of climate change, social science analyses have not been as fully developed. “Climate Change and Society” breaks new theoretical and empirical ground by presenting climate change as a thoroughly social phenomenon, embedded in behaviors, institutions and cultural practices. 

- Brian P. Daly, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Psychology

-Aimee K. Hildenbrand, clinical psychology doctoral candidate, Department of Psychology

ADHD in Children and Adolescents                       

This is a comprehensive overview of essential information for understanding, assessing and treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It will be highly useful for undergraduate and graduate students, but its utility may be greatest for the busy clinician who needs clear, concise guidelines to ensure the use of evidence-based practices.

- David DeMatteo, PhD, director of JD/PhD program, associate professor, Department of Psychology

- Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, interim department head, professor, Department of Psychology      

Criminal Justice and the Sequential Intercept Model: Promoting Community Alternatives for People with Severe Mental Illness

The number of individuals with severe mental illness in the criminal justice system is shockingly high. However, there is a wealth of research that shows that the traditional incarceration model is not effective with this population, and that many of these individuals can be helped in the community at less cost without increased risk to public safety by addressing their risk-relevant needs and improving their opportunities for recovery. As a result, during the last decade there has been an increasing interest in community-based alternatives to incarceration for individuals with severe mental illness. 

- Richardson Dilworth, PhD, professor, Department of Politics       

Informatics: Collaboration at the Nexus of Policy, Technology and Design, People and Data 

Information shapes urban spaces in ways that most people rarely stop to consider. From data-driven planning to grassroots activism to influencing the routes we walk, bike and drive, new information technologies are helping city dwellers to leverage information in new ways. These technologies shape the uses and character of urban spaces. Information technologies and tools such as social media and GIS tracking applications are being used by individuals as they go about their daily lives, not as alternatives to social interaction, but as opportunities to participate in the shared experience of urban life.                                                                                   

- Valerie Fox, PhD, associate teaching professor, Department of English & Philosophy

Reading Apollinaire 

“Reading Apollinaire” is a collection of poems translation into Romanian. Editor Daniel Dragomirescu calls it a portrait of Valerie Fox’s work that shows her prose sensibility and her careful eye.                             

Shale: Extreme Fiction for Extreme Conditions     

This is an anthology of flash fiction by notable contemporary writers. Among the stories by young writers are two by current Drexel student Shalom Mensu Ikhena.

- Anthony Glascock, PhD, professor, Anthropology  

A Dead Cow, Milkshakes, Hyper-Masculinity and Jinn: Stories from Fieldwork in Somalia

Anthropology is a narrative discipline and Anthony Glascock has always used stories from his research to illustrate important points in class. The problem has been that the students more often remember the stories, but not always the point that the story is to illustrate. In this book, Glascock starts with the stories from his research in Somalia and uses them to draw out the important points, rather than the other way around. It is a different approach, but one that is quite effective.

Celebrating Drexel authors

- John Kounios, PhD, professor, director of doctoral program in Applied Cognitive and Brain Science, director of Creativity Research Lab, Department of Psychology 

The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the Brain         

In a book perfect for readers of Charles Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit,” David Eagleman’s “Incognito,” and Leonard Mlodinow’s “Subliminal,” the cognitive neuroscientists who discovered how the brain has Aha Moments — sudden creative insights — explain how they happen, when we need them and how we can have more of them to enrich our lives and empower our personal and professional success.                                                                     

- Irvin Peckham, teaching professor, Department of English & Philosophy 

Very Like a Whale: The Assessment of Writing Programs   

Written for those who design, redesign and assess writing programs, “Very Like a Whale” is an intensive discussion of writing program assessment issues. Taking its title from “Hamlet,” the book explores the multifaceted forces that shape writing programs and the central role these programs can and should play in defining college education. Winner of the 2015 Award for Excellence in Program Assessment from the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication.

- Heidi Rader, education and outreach coordinator, Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program, Department of Biology 

Chatter in the Caldera, Monkeys of Bioko Island               

The forests of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea have become strangely quiet. For weeks there has been no monkey chatter. Follow forest guard Cirillo and his father as they guide the expedition team on an adventure into the Gran Caldera Scientific Reserve to unravel the mystery of why the monkeys of Bioko Island have disappeared and to save them before it is too late.         

- Suravi Ray, student, Department of Biology 

When The Sun Breaks Free

Reeza and Zain, two teenagers from different corners of the globe with similar spirit, were fated to meet in Kolkata, the haven of ironies. Twists and turns of circumstances test them throughout, but can their individuality and love be strong enough to survive amidst corruption, filth and injustice? This is the journey of two people from mere teenagers to guardians of truth, courage and change amidst the constant rage and sorrows of reality in the state as they seek what every human needs: hope during devastation.                                                                  

- Don Riggs, teaching professor, Department of English & Philosophy

Things Made of Words [Hecho por Palabras]         

“Things Made of Words” is a selection of poems written by Don Riggs that have been published in Contemporary Literary HorizonOrizont Literar Contemporan — an international multilingual monthly of poetry and prose edited by Daniel Dragomirescu in Bucharest, Romania. In addition, there are facing-page translations of the poems into Romanian and interviews with Don Riggs by American novelist Alex Kudera and English poet Caroline Gill.           

- Mimi Sheller, PhD, professor, director of the Center for Mobilities Research and Policy, Department of Sociology 

Mobility and Locative Media: Mobile Communication in Hybrid Spaces

The growing pervasiveness of location-aware technology urges us to rethink the intersection among location, mobile technologies and mobility. Few studies have addressed the many transformations taking place in mobile sociality and in urban spatial processes through the appropriation of these technologies. This edited collection will address this gap by exploring the intersection of mobility, mobile communication and locative media, as well as the implications of this for adjacent fields such as mobile art, mobile gaming, architecture, design and urban planning.

- James Spotila, PhD, L. Drew Betz Chair Professor, Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science       

Leatherback Turtles: Biology and Conservation     

Weighing as much as 2,000 pounds and reaching lengths of over seven feet, leatherback turtles are the world’s largest reptile. Leatherbacks have been declining in recent decades, and some predict they will be gone by the end of this century. In  this book, James R. Spotila and Pilar Santidrián Tomillo bring together the world’s leading experts to produce a volume that reveals the biology of the leatherback while putting a spotlight on the conservation problems and solutions related to the species.  

- Brendan Triplett (Michael Westen), student, Criminal Justice Department


It doesn't matter how the world ends, only that those who are left behind must take up the standard of humanity and see us through the darkest days. Through the eyes of the living and the poor souls who become the undead we learn just who will inherit the earth. Will the hordes of undead prevail? Will heroes rise and save us all? Will our sanity reach its limits and turn us into monsters far more dangerous then those we seek to kill?                                                                  

- Christine Maguth Nezu, PhD, professor, Department of Psychology 

- Arthur M. Nezu, PhD, Distinguished University Professor of Psychology

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies     

This handbook provides a contemporary and comprehensive illustration of the wide range of evidence-based behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy tools available to both clinicians and researchers. Chapters are written by some of the most prominent names in behavioral and cognitive theory, assessment and treatment in the field.       

- Remedythe Williams, student, Department of Psychology   

Dead Fools

There are things on this Earth that go bump in the night and there are people who find the strength to hunt them down. Almon, one such person, is only a teenager, but he's done more than he can say. He knows everything out there, but one thing plagues him: What's so different about Morticia-Casketine?

- Hugo J. Woerdeman, PhD, professor, Department of Mathematics

Advanced Linear Algebra

Advanced Linear Algebra features a student-friendly approach to the theory of linear algebra. The author’s emphasis on vector spaces over general fields, with corresponding current applications, sets the book apart. This edition focuses on finite fields and complex numbers, and discusses matrix algebra over these fields.                                                                 

- Lauren Patterson, student, Department of English & Philosophy               

- Kathleen Volk Miller, teaching professor, Department of English & Philosophy   

- Marshall Warfield, teaching professor, Department of English & Philosophy       

- Sheila Sandapen, PhD, assistant teaching professor, Department of English and Philosophy       

The 33rd                                            

The 33rd is a multi-genre anthology of interdisciplinary student and faculty writing. It incorporates the winners of the Freshman Writing Contest, the Publishing Group Essay Contest and the Week of Writing contest. Published pieces include student's personal and research essays, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, humor and opinion/editorial, along with works by current Drexel University faculty members.      

- Amanda Kraft                                                                                              

- Emily Turek                                                                                                 

- Karnik Hajjar                                                                                              

- Ellen  Hafer                                                              

- Bailey Kiersarsky                                                                

- Mary Caparosa                                           

- Dominic Falcone

- Sarah Jamack                                                           

- Joseph Pellegrino                                                    

- Heena Rameshkumar                                                                      

- Pranali Shah                                                            

- Amy Su                                                       

- Juhi Trivedi                                     

- Gina Vitale                                                   

- Masha Sharova                                                                   

- Beverly Peders                                                                     

- S. James Parsons Jr.           


For over 40 years, Maya has been Drexel University’s student-run, undergraduate literary magazine, publishing student poetry, prose, short fiction and non-fiction pieces, as well as graphics, illustrations, photography and other art.


- Andrea Forte, PhD, assistant professor, Informatics 

- Kristene Unsworth, PhD, assistant professor, Informatics            

Urban Informatics: Collaboration at the Nexus of Policy, Technology and Design, People and Data 

Information shapes urban spaces in ways that most people rarely stop to consider. From data-driven planning to grassroots activism to influencing the routes we walk, bike and drive, new information technologies are helping city dwellers to leverage information in new ways. These technologies shape the uses and character of urban spaces. Information technologies and tools such as social media and GIS tracking applications are being used by individuals as they go about their daily lives, not as alternatives to social interaction, but as opportunities to participate in the shared experience of urban life.

- April  James, PhD, student, Library and Information Science

Madison Hatta's Book of Unreasonable Rhymes                

Madison Hatta, sonneteer, delights in writing and reciting original, whimsical sonnets about madness, time, career, family dysfunction and the importance of drinking tea.                                                               

- Ellyssa Kroski, adjunct faculty         

Cosplay in Libraries: How to Embrace Costume Play in Your Library

Cosplay, comics, anime and geek culture have exploded into the mainstream over recent years and have resulted in a thriving community of costume enthusiasts and pop culture fans. Libraries on the leading edge are already embracing this new worldwide sensation by integrating cosplay into their programming and events. Learn all about the world of cosplay and how you can host cosplay events, workshops, makerspaces, clubs and more in your library.                                                                       

Library Technology Essentials

The Library Technology Essentials series helps librarians utilize today’s hottest new technologies as well as ready themselves for tomorrow’s. The series features titles that cover the A-Z of how to leverage the latest and most cutting-edge technologies and trends to deliver new library services. 

- Jenny Adams Perinovic, student, Library and Information Science

A Magic Dark and Bright

Magic Dark and Bright is a young adult publication featuring a young girl Amelia Dupree and her quest to help a ghost find peace. But in her efforts she unleashes an unspeakable evil that threatens everything she loves.  

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING                                             

- Abi Aghayere, PhD, professor, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Structural Steel Design: A Practice Oriented Approach

A comprehensive, stand-alone reference guide the gives the audience a thorough introduction to steel structures. It contains all of the need-to-know information on practical design considerations in the design of steel buildings.

- Ahmad Hamid, professor, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Design and Retrofit of Building Envelope

The main objective of this textbook is to introduce students and practicing architects and engineers to the basic concepts and science and engineering fundamentals in the analysis and design of masonry building envelope systems.                                                                

- Bahram Nabet, PhD, professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Photodetectors: Materials, Devices and Applications

This book provides readers with an important review of key advances in photodetectors and their use in in communication, computation and imaging systems. It includes discussions of materials, detector types, devices and important and emerging applications of photodetectors.

- Richard W. Sievert Jr., PhD, assistant clinical professor, Construction Management

Creating Facility Program Requirements: A Pre-Design Guide for Project Owners         

The most critical phase of every project is pre-design planning where you gather, organize, analyze and communicate the requirements that become the basis for the project design. This book provides a complete set of tools and case examples for the development of pre-design performance criteria for facility projects.         


- Herbert B. Allen, MD, professor and chair, Department of Dermatology

The Etiology of Atopic Dermatitis    

This book presents completely new, unique findings in eczema: sweat ducts that become occluded with staphylococcal biofilms trigger the innate immune system with TLR2 receptor activity and this leads to production of the "itching" and inflammation in this disease. Dermatologists and pediatricians treat eczema exceedingly well and this is ordinarily accomplished with corticosteroid containing topicals. However, after treatment, it is intriguing that aggressive moisturization and cautious bathing will in most instances prevent future flares of the disease.                                                                 

Ann Yurcaba chats with April James before the Celebrating Drexel Authors event.

- Michele L. Spotts, instructional designer, Department of Emergency Medicine

Zotts & His Unfortunate Spots

This is the tale of a zebra named Zotts who was unfortunately born with spots instead of stripes. Every day a monkey named Marty walks around the zoo saying hello to all the animals. When he stops at the zebra pen, he notices Zotts and laughs at him for being different. Marty soon realizes that laughing at Zotts was hurtful and he must find a way to let Zotts know he is just as beautiful as all of the other zebras in the zoo.                                                              

- Mark Trombetta, MD, affiliate faculty 

- Luther Brady, MD,  affiliate faculty             

Brachytherapy: An International Perspective          

This volume is the first truly international text to take the practitioner from the history, the physical basis and the rationale of brachytherapy through to the techniques, the results and the management of complications. It is also the first truly comprehensive and complete textbook of brachytherapy. The chapters on the physics of brachytherapy and the technical planning of internal and surface radiotherapy are designed to enhance the practitioner’s knowledge base and capabilities in this demanding specialty field. Disease site-specific chapters cover a wide range of applications, including ocular tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, cancers of the head and neck, skin, breast, lung, esophagus and prostate, and gynecologic and anorectal malignancies.

- Myron Yanoff, MD, professor and chair emeritus, Department of Ophthalmology

Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery

“Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery” is a comprehensive textbook with a highly visual format, including nearly 1,000 illustrations and images, and features that align with current ophthalmology training. This book includes contributions from renowned international experts, on a broad range of topics. This book covers the full range of surgical topics, including cornea, retina, oculoplastic and glaucoma with operative techniques. In all sections, operative techniques and surgical strategies are explained step-by-step to increase surgical and anatomical knowledge.

Ocular Pathology, a Text and Atlas, Seventh Edition

Comprehensive, yet concise and clinically oriented, the new edition of “Ocular Pathology” brings you the very latest advances of every aspect of ocular pathology. From updated information on today’s imaging techniques, to the implementation of genetic data to better understand disease, this esteemed medical reference book promises to keep you at the forefront of your field. Winner of the 2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Pathology category.


- Theresa Campo, associate clinical professor, co-director of the Graduate and Doctoral Nursing Programs      

Essential Procedures for the Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings: A Clinical Companion, Second Edition

This book is a highly accessible and comprehensive clinical guide to performing procedures in the office, urgent and emergency care settings. It presents 72 of the most commonly performed procedures used in these settings and organizes them into system-specific categories. Each procedure is presented using a concise format and includes original photos, line drawings and tables to highlight the written content and provide clear directions regarding exactly how to perform each procedure.                                                                    

- Paul Thomas Clements, PhD, associate clinical professor, Division of Graduate Nursing and Advanced Role MSN Department 

Health Issues of Child Maltreatment           

“Mental Health Issues of Child Maltreatment” offers a wealth of contemporary knowledge on the complex manifestations of developmental trauma and child maltreatment. Examining these issues from a multidisciplinary viewpoint, this text provides the most up-to-date knowledge on the causes and consequences of childhood trauma. The developmental perspective of this volume provides insight into the frequently confusing clinical manifestations of trauma in children exposed to violence.                                                     

- Paul Thomas Clements, PhD, associate clinical professor, Division of Graduate Nursing and Advanced Role MSN Department 

- Theresa Fay-Hillier, assistant clinical professor

Nursing Approach to the Evaluation of Child Maltreatment, Second Edition     

This book provides the information nurses need to identify and accurately interpret and report signs of maltreatment. Focusing on the intersection of nursing and child maltreatment, this book provides procedural guidelines for medical contact with abuse victims. Over 20 chapters, “Nursing Approach to the Evaluation of Child Maltreatment” addresses physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.                                                                       

Violence Against Women: Contemporary Examination of Intimate Partner Violence

Written by professionals in the fields of clinical service and research, “Violence Against Women” seeks to provide a broad and deep perspective into the current scientific understanding of how men, women, adolescents and children come to be harmed from intimate partner violence. Transcending national, cultural and socioeconomic boundaries, this text examines a wide range of relationships that come under the heading of intimate partner violence by taking a culturally sensitive, international approach to exploring the issues that underpin family violence issues, dating violence and injuries children suffer when partners and caregivers perpetrate violence.  

- Frances Cornelius, PhD, chair, MSN Advanced Practice Role Department and Complementary and Integrative Health Programs

Ethical Health Informatics: Challenges and Opportunities, Third Edition

This is an invaluable resource for students and practitioners across the health disciplines as well as information technology and business students. This is an in-depth revision that incorporates scenarios and ethical decision-making matrices that challenge the reader to determine the best course of ethical action for Health Information Management, nurses, administrators and IT professionals.                  

- Karyn Holt, PhD, associate clinical professor, Graduate Nursing

Violence Against Women: Contemporary Examination of Intimate Partner Violence     

Written by professionals in the fields of clinical service and research, “Violence Against Women” seeks to provide a broad and deep perspective into the current scientific understanding of how men, women, adolescents, and children come to be harmed from intimate partner violence. Transcending national, cultural, and socioeconomic boundaries, this text examines a wide range of relationships that come under the heading of intimate partner violence by taking a culturally sensitive, international approach to exploring the issues that underpin family violence issues, dating violence and injuries children suffer when partners and caregivers perpetrate violence.                                                              

- William J. Lorman, PhD, clinical assistant professor, Graduate Nursing 

Core Curriculum for Addictions Nursing, Third Edition

Indispensable for all practice areas, this factual, practical aid will guide you to develop and expand the knowledge and clinical skills required for caring for patients with addictions. “Core Curriculum of Addictions Nursing” is a must-read not only for acing the exam, but for practicing insightful, evidence-based addictions nursing.                                                                 

Pharmacology Case Studies

Pharmacology is an essential skill for every advanced practice nurse. But while some APRNs just love every aspect of pharmacology, others find it difficult to digest. Typical pharmacology resources provide facts like drug metabolism, clearance, side effects and clinical trials. However, they often fail to contextualize the information in a useful way for nurses’ everyday practice. This new publication has brought together experts in a wide variety of specialties to present pharmacologic treatments in an easy-to-reference format.      Co-authored with Drexel’s Al Rundio.                                                          

- Al Rundio, PhD, associate dean for Post Licensure Nursing programs and Graduate Nursing & Doctoral programs   

Core Curriculum of Addictions Nursing, Third Addition     

Indispensable for all practice areas, this factual, practical aid will guide you to develop and expand the knowledge and clinical skills required for caring for patients with addictions. “Core Curriculum of Addictions Nursing” is a must-read not only for acing the exam, but for practicing insightful, evidence-based addictions nursing.                                                                 

Pharmacology Case Studies

Pharmacology is an essential skill for every advanced practice nurse. But while some APRNs just love every aspect of pharmacology, others find it difficult to digest. Typical pharmacology resources provide facts like drug metabolism, clearance, side effects and clinical trials. However, they often fail to contextualize the information in a useful way for nurses’ everyday practice. This new publication has brought together experts in a wide variety of specialties to present pharmacologic treatments in an easy-to-reference format.      Co-authored with Drexel’s William Lorman.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice – The Nurse Executive Role         

Offering real-world guidance and seasoned insight, “The Doctor of Nursing Practice and the Nurse Executive Role” is the first book to offer DNP-trained nurse executives the tools needed to create and manage successful nursing care systems. Crucial topics in leadership and personal and organizational success are addressed, using current concrete examples in nursing management. This is a unique, indispensable tool for nursing educators, current nurse executives and those planning on taking up the nurse executive role.                 

- Patricia Thomas, adjunct faculty, Creative Arts Therapy

Project Planning and Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams, Second Edition

“Project Planning and Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams,” serves as a primary resource for students developing and implementing clinical projects as a requirement for course completion. Additionally, the text also serves as a guide for faculty and preceptors who assist students in identifying clinical and management gaps as well as in initiating projects. This edition focuses on planning and managing evidence-based projects, phases of implementation and evaluation methods within the context of quality, safety and value-based initiative.

Management and Leadership For Nurse Administrators, Seventh Edition

“Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators,” provides professional administrators and nursing students with a comprehensive overview of management concepts and theories. This text provides a foundation for nurse managers and executives as well as nursing students with a focus on management and administration.

- Virginia Wilson, PhD, assistant clinical professor, director of Innovation and Intra / Entrepreneurship MSN Program

The Doctor of Nursing Practice – The Nurse Executive Role

Offering real-world guidance and seasoned insight, this is the first book to offer DNP-trained nurse executives the tools needed to create and manage successful nursing care systems. Crucial topics in leadership and personal and organizational success are addressed, using current concrete examples in nursing management. This is a unique, indispensable tool for nursing educators, current nurse executives and those planning on taking up the nurse executive role.    

Books written and edited by Drexel authors.


- Adam Benforado, associate professor

Unfair: The New Science of Criminal Injustice     

A child is gunned down by a police officer. An investigator ignores critical clues in a case. An innocent man confesses to a crime he did not commit. A jury acquits a killer. The evidence is all around us: our system of justice is fundamentally broken. But it’s not for the reasons we tend to think. Even if the system operated exactly as it was designed to, we would still end up with wrongful convictions, trampled rights and unequal treatment. In “Unfair,” Benforado shines a light on this troubling new field of research, showing, for example, that people with certain facial features receive longer sentences and that judges are far more likely to grant parole first thing in the morning.                                                        

- David S. Cohen, professor

- Krysten Connon, alumna 

Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism 

Living in the Crosshairs is a rich and humane portrait of women's health professionals who persist in their work despite harassment because they believe in what they are doing. These providers' voices have not been heard in recent debates, leaving the public with a deficient understanding of exactly how abortion is limited in this country, yet their experiences illuminate the truth of the issue and offer us a path to a better policy. One of Ms. Magazine’s Top 10 Feminist Books of 2015.  

- Lisa T. McElroy, associate professor           

Called On      

Libby Behl and Connie Shun are both at Warren Law because they want to make the world better. First-year student Libby has a lot to learn about law — not to mention love, long nights and low-grade coffee. Through a difficult year, her professor Connie starts to question what she knows about how law — and justice — work. Witty and insightful, “Called On” is an insider’s peek into the struggles of learning law and the satisfaction of finding a new path in life.

- Donald F. Tibbs, PhD, associate professor

 Hip Hop and the Law           

What is important to understanding American law? What is important to understanding hip hop? Wide swaths of renowned academics, practitioners, commentators and performance artists have answered these two questions independently. And although understanding both depends upon the same intellectual enterprise, textual analysis of narrative storytelling, somehow their intersection has escaped critical reflection. “Hip Hop and the Law” merges the two cultural giants of law and rap music and demonstrates their relationship at the convergence of legal consciousness, politics, hip hop studies and American law.


- Wesley Gray, PhD, clinical faculty, Finance Department

- Jack Vogel, PhD, student, Finance Department      

DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth

“DIY Financial Advisor” outlines a step-by-step process through which investors can take control of their hard-earned wealth and manage their own family office. Research indicates that what matters in investing are minimizing psychology traps and managing fees and taxes. These simple concepts apply to all families, not just the ultra-wealthy. But can — or should — we be managing our own wealth?                                                                  

- Daniel Korschun, PhD, associate professor, Marketing                

 We Are Market Basket: The True Story of the Unlikely Grassroots Movement That Saved a Beloved Business

What if a company was so treasured and trusted that people literally took to the streets   by the thousands to save it? That company is Market Basket, a popular New England supermarket chain. After long-time CEO Arthur T. Demoulas was ousted by his cousin Arthur S. Demoulas, the company's managers and rank-and-file workers struck back. Risking their own livelihoods to restore the job of their beloved boss they walked out, but they didn't walk far. At huge protest rallies they were joined by loyal customers, leaving stores empty. Suppliers and vendors stopped deliveries, rendering shelves bare. Politicians were forced to take sides. The national media and experts were stunned by the unprecedented defense of an executive. All openly challenged the Market Basket board of directors to make things right. And in the end, they prevailed.                                                                  

- Benjamin Lev, PhD, trustee professor, Decision Sciences Department

Advanced Business Analytics                       

The book describes advanced business analytics and shows how to apply them to many different professional areas of engineering and management. It connects the analytic principles with business practice and provides an interface between the main disciplines of engineering/technology and the organizational, administrative and planning abilities of management. 

- Roger A. McCain, PhD, professor, Economics

 Game Theory and Public Policy, Second Edition   

Building on the success of the first edition, this book provides a critical, selective review of key concepts in game theory with a view to their applications in public policy. The author further suggests modifications for some of the models to improve their applicability to economics and public policy. Roger McCain makes use of the analytical tools of game theory for the pragmatic purpose of identifying problems and exploring potential solutions, providing a toolkit for the analysis of public policy allowing for a clearer understanding of the public policy enterprise itself.                                                                       

- Elea McDonnell Feit, PhD, assistant professor, Marketing             

R for Marketing Research and Analytics

This book is a complete introduction to the power of R for marketing research practitioners. The text describes statistical models from a conceptual point of view with a minimal amount of mathematics, presuming only an introductory knowledge of statistics. Hands-on chapters accelerate the learning curve by asking readers to interact with R from the beginning. Core topics include the R language, basic statistics, linear modeling and data visualization, which is presented throughout as an integral part of analysis.                                                            

- Eric Ochoa, student             

The Circle of Orion

Erin never lived a happy life on earth. The only escape from the pain she feels are her two best friends, Angel and Jacob. But when tragedy strikes and her world is destroyed at the hands of fire, suddenly Erin finds herself in a new world entirely. She quickly learns her new world, called Elmera, is full of wonder, beauty and magic. She learns that she is the key to resurrecting the Elder God Orion and must find and lead a group of powerful children in order to stop the impending war between the dark and light kingdoms of Elmera. But will she be able to forget her old world and all it has done to her?


- Jamie L. Callahan, clinical professor, program director of Human Resource Development                     

Realizing Critical HRD: Stories of Reflecting, Voicing, and Enacting Critical Practice

This book contends that the project of Critical Human Resource Development (CHRD) is to effect change/transformation and that critical scholars must expose the injustices and inequities associated with the neoliberal narrative, which forms the dominant rationality of current mainstream HRD practice. In other words, those that would change must first recognize that there is a problem worthy of being transformed. Winner of Outstanding Book of the Year for the Academy of HRD.                                                           

- Ayana Allen, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Policy, Organization & Leadership

Autoethnography as a Lighthouse: Illuminating Race, Research and the Politics of Schooling

This book intends to support the visibility and voice of marginalized scholars who conduct autoethnographic research from a racial, gendered and critical theoretical framework. It further supports authentic inquiry as it examines and reexamines culturally diverse epistemologies as a viable and valuable framework for conducting autoethnographic research.          

- Katharine Beals, adjunct faculty

Speech and Language Technology for Language Disorders          

This book draws on the remarkable advances in speech and language processing: advances that have moved speech technology beyond basic applications such as medical dictation and telephone self-service to increasingly sophisticated and clinically significant applications aimed at complex speech and language disorders. It provides an introduction to the basic elements of speech and natural language processing technology and illustrates their clinical potential by reviewing speech technology software currently in use for disorders such as autism and aphasia.                                                                 

- Nicole Julienne Hall, student                       

Finding Sophia

Annasophia Warren is a spirited and intelligent girl, content with the life she has lived in her hometown of Lewes, Delaware. Things change forever when Sophia finds herself falling hard and fast for Robert, the smart, cool, preppy kid. Quickly their friendship becomes the intense passion of first love. Can the intensity of first love last, though? In a span of years Sophia loves, loses and makes a decision that will undoubtedly change the course of her life.                  

- Jennifer Hopwood, student

Best STEM Resources for Nextgen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide

Intended to support the national initiative to strengthen learning in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, this book helps librarians who work with youth in school and public libraries to build better collections and more effectively use these collections through readers' advisory and programming. 


- Alissa Falcone, staff writer              

Community Newspapers and the Japanese-American Incarceration Camps: Community, Not Controversy

“Community Newspapers and Japanese-American Incarceration Camps” critically examines the tendency of journalists to be timid in times of war, precisely when the public's need for accurate information is so pressing.


- Ulrike Altenmüller-Lewis, Dr.-Ing., associate professor, Architecture and Interiors

The City Crown                     

“The City Crown” is the first English translation of the German architect Bruno Taute's early 20th-century anthology “Die Stadtkrone.” Written under the influence of World War I, Taut developed “The City Crown” to promote a utopian urban concept where people would live in a garden city of “apolitical socialism” and peaceful collaboration around a single purpose-free crystalline structure.

- Andrew Jerry Altrichter, program manager, DUTV           

The Alphabet of Perilous Encounters

Who knew the alphabet could be such a dangerous place? From child snatching Aliens to graveyard stalking Zombies, your little one will be thrilled to explore the “Alphabet of Perilous Encounters.” This book is best suited for children that love a little fright and for parents that want to keep their own little monsters excited about learning.                                              

- Anne Cecil, teaching professor, Design and Merchandising 

- Joseph Hancock, PhD, associate professor, Design and Merchandising

- David Raizman, PhD, professor, Department of Art & Art History

The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design    

“The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design” provides a comprehensive guide to design, with entries on key topics in the history and theory of design, addressing a range of design forms including graphic, textile, furniture, metal, ceramic, fashion, stage and film, vehicle and product design, as well as national histories of design and key design movements.         

- Alphonso McClendon, associate professor, Department of Design

Fashion and Jazz: Dress, Identity and Subcultural Improvisation (Dress, Body, Culture)

The book, drawing on fashion studies and cultural theory, provides an in-depth analysis of the social and political entanglements of jazz and dress. Born in the late 19th century, jazz gained mainstream popularity during a volatile period of racial segregation and gender inequality. It was in these adverse conditions that jazz performers discovered the power of dress as a visual tool used to defy mainstream societal constructs, shaping a new fashion and style aesthetic. “Fashion and Jazz” is the first monograph to identify the behaviors, signs and meanings that defined this newly evolving subculture.

- Andrea Modica, professor, Department of Photography 

As We Wait

“As We Wait” is a collection of 48 previously unpublished photographs. The new monograph has been beautifully produced by the renowned Italian printers Grafiche dell’Artiere and was selected to be included in The Photobook Exhibition at The Benaki Museum in Athens, Greece.                                                             

- Chelsea Myers, student, Digital Media        

Responsive Web Design Patterns

This is a web design approach aimed at arranging things in a way to get optimal viewing experience and easy reading and navigation on different screen sizes. It bonds together designers and developers as they publish and test new solutions to build websites for all screen sizes.

If you authored or edited a book that will be published in 2016, email the Libraries to submit your information for next year’s Celebrating Drexel Authors event.

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