AW CoMAD Freshman to Premiere Film in Knoxville Movie Theater
December 31, 2005
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Nominations Being Accepted for Distinguished AWCoMAD Alumni Award
December 30, 2005
Westphal College Junior, Rebecca Wolfrum, Wins Student Fashion Design Competition
Photographs by Drexel Study Abroad Students in Art and Art History Gallery
Call for Proposals: Rankin Scholar-in-Residence 2006
December 19, 2005
Joanne Landis, Instructor of Fashion Design, Featured in Exhibit at Penn State's Robeson Gallery
December 04, 2005
Independent Study in Radio Promotion Now Offered
December 02, 2005
Drexel Fashion Design Students Take Top 5 Paris Spots
December 01, 2005
Allen Sabinson, Dean of AW CoMAD, Featured in Philadelphia Inquirer
Allen Sabinson Appointed Dean of Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
Music Festival Showcases Drexel Talent in Assortment of Genres
Drexel Players Studio Productions Present SubUrbia
Lydia Hunn's Work to Be Published in National/International Literary and Art Review
November 29, 2005
Brack Around the World: Architectural Historian, Mark Brack, Gives Slide Lecture on November 28th
November 28, 2005
Art History Now Offered as a Minor
Professor Stuart Rome's Forests Selected as Best New Photo Book
November 21, 2005
Pearlstein Gallery and Judaic Studies Program Present Paintings by Samuel Bak
November 20, 2005
Fashion Design Students Take Top Honors in New York FIT Competition
November 18, 2005
AW CoMAD Website Wins Davey Award
Rudman Institute Presents Free Screening of WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price
November 16, 2005
Drexel Players Present World Premiere of Ahab: A Musical Odyssey
November 10, 2005
Drexel Student Designs on Display at Tiffany's
November 09, 2005
Architectural Photographer, Julius Shulman, Lectures at Drexel University
November 08, 2005
Director of Rudman Institute, Allen Sabinson, Quoted in Widely-Published Article
November 07, 2005
Professor Stuart Rome's New York City Exhibit and Book Signing
November 05, 2005
Rudman Institute Presents Free Screening of The Beast of War
November 02, 2005
Film and Video Major, Dan Nelson, Named Semi-Finalist in MTVU Contest
October 31, 2005
DragonDrive 2005 Deadline: October 31st!
Annual Architecture Student exhibit at the Pearlstein Gallery
Westphal College's Screenwriting & Playwriting Program Presents Peter Egan, Screenwriter for FX Network Original Series, OVER THERE
October 21, 2005
Westphal College Faculty Member, Howard Homonoff, Moderates Columbia University Panel
LeBow Hosts Panel Breakfast featuring Westphal College Alumni Nana Goldberg
Westphal College Faculty Member, Joseph Hancock, Quoted in MSU Newspaper
October 20, 2005
Drexels Dance Ensemble Presents Rose Eichenbaum
October 18, 2005
College of Media Arts & Design Named in Honor of Beloved Alumni, Antoinette Westphal
Department of Performing Arts Donates Time and Money to Benefit HIV/AIDS Services
October 16, 2005
Westphal College Faculty Participating in Philadelphia Open Studio Tours
October 15, 2005
October 05, 2005
What Price Media Consolidation?
September 28, 2005
Associate Professor, Kathi Martin, Travels to Turkey to Present Drexel Project
September 16, 2005
An Exhibition of Souvenir Buildings from the Collections of Architecture Faculty
August 13, 2005