Performance Charette
April 07, 2013
Students from the College’s dance, digital media, music, photography, fashion, as well as students from the College of Engineering have cleared their calendars for this upcoming weekend – not as an opportunity to catch up on studies (or sleep), but to prepare for a rather unique artistic presentation known as the “Performance Charette,” set to take place Sunday, April 7 at 6 P.M. in Westphal’s new dance studio in Room 418 of the Main Building.
The students participating will spend the entire weekend working together in teams, with a specific set of guidelines to create a new dance and media performance. This year’s theme, “Dig – the memory of everything,” explores the cycles and history of people, places and events. Photography students will document the entire experiment and present a small, exhibition of images to accompany the April 7 performance. We welcome you to see the results of this creative multimedia mash-up, which is free and open to the public.