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Pharmacology & Physiology (PHPH) Students

PhD Program Students

Amirali Amirfallah

3rd Year


Lynn Baker

1st Year


Christina Besada

4th+ Year

Aarohee Bhattarai

2nd Year

Wesley Corey

3rd Year


Erin Curley

1st Year


Marzieh Daniali

3rd Year


Thalia Dimopoulos

2nd Year

Julia Farnan

4th+ Year

Simran Gill

4th Year

Nitika Gupta

2nd Year

Binh Ha

3rd Year


Elizabeth Homer

2nd Year

Geena John

4th+ Year

Ravi Moazzam

1st Year


Neha Mohan

4th+ Year

Tofunmi Oteju

4th Year

Delaney Place

3rd Year


Deepa Reddy

4th Year

Katelyn Reeb

4th+ Year

Sanjita Subramanian

4th Year

Rhea Temmermand

4th+ Year

Isaac Turkson

2nd Year

Phil Wig

1st Year


Qiaowei Xie

4th+ Year

Clara Xu

4th+ Year

Oyende Yetunde

4th Year

Ruxu Zhai

4th+ Year

MS Program Students

Melina Kazemi

2nd Year

Diego Trejo

3rd Year


Program Alumni

John Peter Dougherty, MD/PhD
Gordon Hill, MD/PhD
Kristina Shahriari, MD/PhD
Catherine Theisen, MD/PhD

Maria Carvallo, PhD
Hillevi Ets, PhD
Lindsay Festa, PhD
Julia Alberta Fox, PhD
Derick Haas, PhD
Chunta Ho, PhD
Whitney Lynn Jamieson, PhD
Renee Jean-Toussaint, PhD
Ramanpreet Kaur, PhD
Derek Michael Kendig, PhD
Nicole Klee, PhD
Stacia Lewandowski, PhD (Meet Stacia)
Zhucheng Lin, PhD
Qingxin Liu, PhD
Xiaonan Liu, PhD
Jared Luchetta, PhD
Xuan Luo, PhD
Nicole Michele Lykens, PhD
Christina Maher, PhD
Melissa Manners, PhD
Liudmila Mazaleuskaya, PhD
Bradley Nash, PhD
Rachel Navarra, PhD
Emily Nickoloff, PhD
Jaclyn Nicolai, PhD
Mitchell Nothem, PhD

Chen Qian, PhD
Jennifer Ross, PhD
Michael R. Russell, PhD
Fei Shen, PhD
Botros Shenoda, PhD
Jonathan Snyder, PhD
Matthew Stout, PhD
Mei Tong, PhD
Danielle M. Trappanese, PhD
Tanchun Wang, PhD
Dongyu Wei, PhD
Jason Wickman, PhD
Aviel Worrede-Mahdi, PhD
Ryan Wyrofsky, PhD
Jieyi (Anna) Zhang, PhD
Yun Zhang, PhD

Mohammed Sani Alhassan, MS
Ipek Eralp, MS
Larissa V. Falcao, MS
Celina Guzman, MS
Jie Jiang, MS
Hieu Jeromy, MS
Maggie Johnson, MS
Rekha Kannan, MS
Erick O'Brien, MS
Dayna Robinson, MS
Gianna Rossi, MS
Sam Stine, MS
Rashmi Tantri, MS
Anh Tran, MS
Fuyu (Adele) Yang, MS
Shunyi Zhao, MS

Student Publications

"Small Extracellular Vesicles From Spared Nerve Injury Model and Sham Control Mice Differentially Regulate Gene Expression in Primary Microglia"
Luo X, Jean-Toussaint R, Tian Y, Balashov SV, Sacan A, Ajit SK.
J Pain. 2023 Apr 11:S1526-5900(23)00391-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.03.015.

"Effects of ethanol on mechanical allodynia and dynamic weight bearing in male and female mice with spared nerve injury"
Nothem MA, Wickman JR, Giacometti LL, Barker JM.
Alcohol (Hanover). 2023 Feb;47(2):382-394. doi: 10.1111/acer.14997.

"Dopamine, Immunity, and Disease"
Channer B, Matt SM, Nickoloff-Bybel EA, Pappa V, Agarwal Y, Wickman J, Gaskill PJ.
Pharmacol Rev. 2023 Jan;75(1):62-158. doi: 10.1124/pharmrev.122.000618.

"Glutamatergic systems in neuropathic pain and emerging non-opioid therapies"
Temmermand R, Barrett JE, Fontana ACK
Pharmacol Res. 2022 Nov;185:106492. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106492

"Discovery of (R)-N-Benzyl-2-(2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl)propanamide [(R)-AS-1], a Novel Orally Bioavailable EAAT2 Modulator with Drug-like Properties and Potent Antiseizure Activity In Vivo"
Abram M, Jakubiec M, Reeb K, Cheng MH, Gedschold R, Rapacz A, Mogilski S, Socała K, Nieoczym D, Szafarz M, Latacz G, Szulczyk B, Kalinowska-Tłuścik J, Gawel K, Esguerra CV, Wyska E, Müller CE, Bahar I, Fontana ACK, Wlaź P, Kamiński RM, Kamiński K.
J Med Chem. 2022 Sep 8;65(17):11703-11725. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00534.

"Human mini brains and spinal cords in a dish: Modeling strategies, current challenges, and prospective advances"
Kofman S, Mohan N, Sun X, Ibric L, Piermarini E, Qiang L.
J Tissue Eng. 2022 Jul 21;13:20417314221113391. doi: 10.1177/20417314221113391.

"The cytoplasmic localization of ADNP through 14-3-3 promotes sex-dependent neuronal morphogenesis, cortical connectivity, and calcium signaling"
Bennison SA, Blazejewski SM, Liu X, Hacohen-Kleiman G, Sragovich S, Zoidou S, Touloumi O, Grigoriadis N, Gozes I, Toyo-Oka K.
Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Jan 11. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01939-3.

"Pyramidal neuron morphogenesis requires a septin network that stabilizes filopodia and suppresses lamellipodia during neurite initiation"
Radler MR, Liu X, Peng M, Doyle B, Toyo-Oka K, Spiliotis ET.
Curr Biol. 2023 Feb 6;33(3):434-448.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.043.

"Nuak kinase signaling in development and disease of the central nervous system"
Bennison SA, Liu X, Toyo-Oka K.
Cell Signal. 2022 Sep 16;100:110472. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2022.110472.

"Loss of Nuclear Envelope Integrity and Increased Oxidant Production Cause DNA Damage in Adult Hearts Deficient in PKP2: A Molecular Substrate of ARVC""
Pérez-Hernández M, van Opbergen CJM, Bagwan N, Vissing CR, Marrón-Liñares GM, Zhang M, Torres Vega E, Sorrentino A, Drici L, Sulek K, Zhai R, Hansen FB, Christensen AH, Boesgaard S, Gustafsson F, Rossing K, Small EM, Davies MJ, Rothenberg E, Sato PY, Cerrone M, Jensen THL, Qvortrup K, Bundgaard H, Delmar M, Lundby A.
Circulation. 2022 Sep 13;146(11):851-867. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060454.

"IL-1β expression driven by androgen receptor absence or inactivation promotes prostate cancer bone metastasis"
DiNatale A, Worrede A, Iqbal W, Marchioli M, Toth A, Sjöström M, Zhu X, Corey E, Feng FY, Zhou W, Fatatis A.
Cancer Res Commun. 2022 Dec;2(12):1545-1557. doi: 10.1158/2767-9764.crc-22-0262.

"Regulation of Tumor and Metastasis Initiation by Chemokine Receptors"
DiNatale A, Castelli MS, Nash B, Meucci O, Fatatis A.
J Cancer. 2022 Aug 27;13(11):3160-3176. doi: 10.7150/jca.72331.

"Responsible Genes for Neuronal Migration in the Chromosome 17p13.3: Beyond Pafah1b1(Lis1), Crk and Ywhae(14-3-3ε)"
Xiaonan Liu, Sarah A. Bennison, Lozen Robinson, Kazuhito Toyo-Oka
Brain Sci. 2022, 12, 56

"Mechanisms of neuronal dysfunction in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders"
Irollo E, Luchetta J, Ho C, Nash B, Meucci O
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 May;78(9):4283-4303

"Human mini brains and spinal cords in a dish: Modeling strategies, current challenges, and prospective advances"
Kofman, S., Mohan, N., Sun, X., Ibric, L., Piermarini, E., & Qiang, L.
Journal of tissue engineering, 13, 20417314221113391. (2022)

"Double life: How GRK2 and β-arrestin signaling participate in diseases"
Zhai R, Snyder J, Montgomery S, Sato PY
Cell Signal. 2022 Jun;94:110333

"Myocardial GRK2 Reduces Fatty Acid Metabolism and β-Adrenergic Receptor-Mediated Mitochondrial Responses"
Zhai R, Varner EL, Rao A, Karhadkar S, Di Carlo A, Snyder NW, Sato PY
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Mar 3;23(5):2777

"Subsets of cancer cells expressing CX3CR1 are endowed with metastasis-initiating properties and resistance to chemotherapy"
DiNatale, A., Kaur, R., Qian, C., Zhang, J., Marchioli, M., Ipe, D., Castelli, M., McNair, C. M., Kumar, G., Meucci, O., & Fatatis, A.
Oncogene, 41(9), 1337–1351. (2022)

"Co-receptor signaling in the pathogenesis of neuroHIV"
Nickoloff-Bybel EA, Festa L, Meucci O, Gaskill PJ
Retrovirology. 2021 Aug 24;18(1):24

"Circulating microRNAs from the mouse tibia fracture model reflect the signature from patients with complex regional pain syndrome"
Wickman JR, Luo X, Li W, Jean-Toussaint R, Sahbaie P, Sacan A, Clark JD, Ajit SK
Pain Rep. 2021 Aug 24;6(3):e950

"Therapeutic Strategies for Mutant SPAST-Based Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia"
Mohan, N., Qiang, L., Morfini, G., & Baas, P. W.
Brain sciences, 11(8), 1081. (2021)

"Differential RNA packaging into small extracellular vesicles by neurons and astrocytes"
Luo X, Jean-Toussaint R, Sacan A, Ajit SK
Cell Commun Signal. 2021 Jul 10;19(1):75. doi: 10.1186/s12964-021-00757-4

"GRK2 contributes to glucose mediated calcium responses and insulin secretion in pancreatic islet cells"
Snyder J, Lackey AI, Brown GS, Diaz M, Yuzhen T, Sato PY
Sci Rep. 2021 May 27;11(1):11129. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-90253-z

"Uptake of Fluorescent Labeled Small Extracellular Vesicles In Vitro and in Spinal Cord"
Gupta R, Luo X, Lin Z, Tian Y, Ajit SK
J Vis Exp. 2021 May 23;(171). doi: 10.3791/62537

"Dopamine levels induced by substance abuse alter efficacy of Maraviroc and expression of CCR5 conformations on myeloid cells: implications for NeuroHIV"
Matt, S.M., Nickoloff-Bybel, E., et al.
Frontiers in Immunology, May 19, 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.663061.

"Individual differences in dopamine uptake in the dorsomedial striatum prior to cocaine exposure predict motivation for cocaine in male rats"
Shaw JK, Pamela Alonso I, Lewandowski SI, Scott MO, O'Connor BM, Aggarwal S, De Biasi M, Mortensen OV, España RA.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021 May 5. doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-01009-2.

"Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of macrophage-derived small extracellular vesicles in the attenuation of inflammatory pain"
Jean-Toussaint R, Lin Z, Tian Y, Gupta R, Pande R, Luo X, Hu H, Sacan A, Ajit SK.
Brain Behav Immun. 2021 May;94:210-224. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2021.02.005.

"High-throughput kinase inhibitor screening reveals roles for Aurora and Nuak kinases in neurite initiation and dendritic branching"
Blazejewski SM, Bennison SA, Liu X, Toyo-Oka K.
Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 14;11(1):8156. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87521-3.

"Glutathione S-transferase Pi (Gstp) proteins regulate neuritogenesis in the developing cerebral cortex"
Liu X, Blazejewski SM, Bennison SA, Toyo-Oka K.
Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Mar 25;30(1):30-45. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddab003.

"Chemogenetic Manipulation of Dopamine Neurons Dictates Cocaine Potency at Distal Dopamine Transporters"
Brodnik ZD, Xu W, Batra A, Lewandowski SI, Ruiz CM, Mortensen OV, Kortagere S, Mahler SV, España RA.
J Neurosci. 2020 Nov 4;40(45):8767-8779. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0894-20.2020.

"HIV neuropathogenesis in the presence of a disrupted dopamine system"
Nickoloff-Bybel, E., et al.
The Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, June 6, 2020.

   Student Achievements

Students with Ole V. Mortensen, PhD, Program Director of the Pharmacology and Physiology Program at Drexel University College of Medicine.